St.Lucie Public Schools Instructional Evaluation System, 2015 - 2016 St.LuciePublicSchools E.WayneGent,Superintendent Rule6AͲ5.030 FormIESTͲ2015 EffectiveDate:July1,2015 Table of Contents 1. Performance of Students 2. Instructional Practice 3. Other Indicators of Performance 4. Summative Evaluation Score 5. Additional Requirements 6. District Evaluation Procedures 7. District Self-Monitoring 8. Appendix A – Checklist for Approval Directions: This document has been provided in Microsoft Word format for the convenience of the district. The order of the template shall not be rearranged. Each section offers specific directions, but does not limit the amount of space or information that can be added to fit the needs of the district. All submitted documents shall be titled and paginated. Where documentation or evidence is required, copies of the source document(s) (for example, rubrics, policies and procedures, observation instruments) shall be provided. Upon completion, the district shall email the template and required supporting documentation for submission to the address **Modifications to an approved evaluation system may be made by the district at any time. A revised evaluation system shall be submitted for approval, in accordance with Rule 6A-5.030(3), F.A.C. The entire template shall be sent for the approval process. 1. Performance of Students Student Performance Measures – Table 1: The table to follow specifies the assessments, calculation components and percentages associated with the final evaluation score for each teaching assignment. Specifically the percentage of the evaluation that is based on performance of students’ criterion is stated in Column 5: Evaluation Weight/Percentage of Overall Evaluation. Unless indicated otherwise, the percentage of the overall evaluation based on student performance is 50%. TABLE 1: Evaluation Components/Measures for Classroom Teachers by Grade/Subject Row Reference Grade Level/Subject (Teacher Category) Assessments Used a. Teachers assigned to Prekindergarten (VPK and Gen Ed only) Florida Department of Education VPK Assessment, window 3 b. Teachers assigned to Kindergarten – Grade 2 Math and English Language Arts (ELA) easyCBM or i‐Ready Spring Assessment.* c. Teachers assigned to Grade 3 Calculation Evaluation Components of the Weight/Percent of Student Performance Overall Evaluation Factor Student proficiency on Student proficiency on FLDOE VPK VPK assessment Assessment easyCBM or i‐Ready Assessment* Window 3 proficiency measure Combination of two factors: (25%) Cumulative Math Proficiency on either easyCBM or i‐ Ready* (25%) and Cumulative ELA Proficiency on either easyCBM or i‐Ready* Combination of two easyCBM or i‐ Ready Assessment factors: Window 3 Assessment of proficiency proficiency as measure measured by easyCBM or i‐Ready (25%) and FSA (ELA Grade 3 FSA for ELA and Math Proficiency and Math as 12. 5% each) measure of proficiency (L2 or above) Math and English Language Arts (ELA) easyCBM or i‐Ready Spring Assessment.* Grade 3 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math * Note: For the 2015‐2016 school year, schools and grade levels that administered the fall i‐Ready diagnostic will not administer the spring easyCBM. Instead the spring i‐Ready diagnostic will be used as the measure of proficiency as specified in Table 1. Page 2 TABLE 1: Evaluation Components/Measures for Classroom Teachers by Grade/Subject Row Reference Grade Level/Subject (Teacher Category) Assessments Used d. Teachers assigned to Grades 4 and 5 e. Elementary Resource Teachers of non‐state tested subjects f. Elementary Resource State Assessments in Teachers of state tested Content Area subjects (ELA, Math or Science) Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math for assigned students Content Area District Assessments Calculation Components of the Student Performance Factor Aggregated Teacher VAM – includes FSA ELA and Math Evaluation Weight/Percent of Overall Evaluation Growth of students assigned to the teacher (teacher VAM) Student proficiency on district based assessment as follows: Technology Resource = Grades 4 – 5 All Other Resource = Grades 1 – 3 Student proficiency for students assigned to the teacher Student proficiency on state assessment or VAM if available Student proficiency or VAM, if available, for students assigned to the teacher Middle Grades (G6‐ G8) and High School (G9 – G12) (COHORT II) **The student performance measure will be based on all students assigned to the courses taught and the corresponding assessments. Teachers of English g. Growth in students Florida Standard Teacher VAM for assigned to the teacher Language Arts in grades Assessments for ELA for FSA/ELA 6 – 10** in ELA (teacher VAM) assigned students h. Teachers of English Language Arts in Grades 11 and 12 and Teachers of SWD without FSAA Scores i. Florida Standards Teachers of students th th th enrolled in 6 , 7 or 8 Assessment grade math and Algebra I including teachers of students with disabilities without FSAA scores. Semester Exams Semester 1 and Semester 2 Exam grades for assigned students Semester Final Exams (Semester 1 = 50% and Semester 2 = 50% of proficiency score) Teacher VAM Growth in students assigned to the teacher (teacher VAM) Page 3 TABLE 1: Evaluation Components/Measures for Classroom Teachers by Grade/Subject Row Reference j. k. Grade Level/Subject (Teacher Category) Assessments Used Teachers of Biology, US State End of Course History, Civics, Algebra II Exams (EOC) and Geometry including teachers of students with disabilities without FSAA scores Teachers of subjects not Semester Exams assessed by FSA, State EOC or FSAA Calculation Components of the Student Performance Factor Scores from State EOC for assigned students Evaluation Weight/Percent of Overall Evaluation State End of Course Exam scores for assigned students Semester 1 and Semester 2 Exam Scores for assigned students Student proficiency on semester exams l. Teachers of students with disabilities with VAM FSA for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math for assigned students Aggregated Teacher VAM for ELA and Math Teacher VAM m. Teachers of students with disabilities in Kindergarten – Grade 2 Math and English Language Arts, easyCBM or i‐Ready Spring Assessment.* easyCBM or i‐Ready Assessment* Window 3 proficiency measure n. Teachers of students with disabilities in Prekindergarten District selected assessment District selected assessment Combination of two factors: (25%) Cumulative Math Proficiency on either easyCBM or i‐ Ready* (25%) and Cumulative ELA Proficiency on either easyCBM or i‐ Ready* Student proficiency on the selected assessment o. Teachers of students assessed using FSAA FSAA assessment for assigned students Student proficiency on FSAA Student proficiency on FSAA SCHOOL BASED NON‐CLASSROOM TEACHERS (COHORT III) p. Guidance Counselor Florida Standard Assessment (FSA) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math Aggregated Schoolwide VAM for ELA and Math Schoolwide VAM Page 4 TABLE 1: Evaluation Components/Measures for Classroom Teachers by Grade/Subject Row Reference Grade Level/Subject (Teacher Category) Assessments Used Calculation Components of the Student Performance Factor Aggregated Schoolwide VAM for ELA and Math Evaluation Weight/Percent of Overall Evaluation q. Dean FSA in ELA and Math r. Media Specialist FSA in ELA and Math Aggregated Schoolwide VAM for ELA and Math Schoolwide VAM s. Math Instructional Coach Schoolwide VAM for Math (includes EOC as applicable) Schoolwide VAM for Math t. School Assessment Specialist FSA Math for students assigned to the school State End of Course Exams (EOC) as applicable FSA in ELA and Math Aggregated Schoolwide VAM for ELA and Math Schoolwide VAM u. Literacy Instructional Coach Schoolwide VAM for ELA Schoolwide VAM for ELA v. ESE Support Facilitator Assessment of proficiency as measured by FSA for ELA (25%) and Math (25%) w. ESE School Based Specialist and ESE Support Facilitator without students assigned FSA for ELA and Math as a measure of proficiency for students in the same course qualifier FSA for ELA and Math as a measure of proficiency for students with disabilities Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) English Language Arts for students assigned to the school FSA for ELA and Math for assigned students FSA for ELA and Math for Students with Disabilities Schoolwide VAM Assessment of proficiency as measured by FSA for ELA (25%) and Math (25%) Page 5 TABLE 1: Evaluation Components/Measures for Classroom Teachers by Grade/Subject Row Reference Grade Level/Subject (Teacher Category) Assessments Used w. Athletic Director FSA for ELA and Math x. Teacher on Special Assignment – School Based FSA for ELA and Math Calculation Components of the Student Performance Factor Aggregated Schoolwide VAM for ELA and Math Aggregated Schoolwide VAM for ELA and Math Evaluation Weight/Percent of Overall Evaluation Aggregated Schoolwide VAM Aggregated Schoolwide VAM DISTRICT LEVEL NON‐CLASSROOM TEACHERS (COHORT IV) y. Includes: Behavior Analyst Behavior Specialist Child Find/ Educational Consultant Curriculum Specialist Diagnostician Language Development Specialist Professional Development Specialist Program Specialist RTI Coach School Psychologists School Social Workers Teachers on Special Assignment Teacher Support Specialists District VAM Florida Standards Aggregated District VAM for ELA and Math Assessment for English Language Arts and Math Scoring Method, Calculation and Combination of Assessment Results: To translate assessment data, Teacher VAM, School VAM, and District VAM into one of four ratings (Highly Effective, Effective, Needs Improvement/Developing or Unsatisfactory) as required by sec. 1012.34 (2)(e.) F.S., the following procedures will be used: For individual VAM scores: For the 2015‐2016 school year St Lucie Schools will have an instructional evaluation system that weighs student performance measures as 50% of the summative evaluation calculation. Page 6 In accordance with Florida School Board Rule 6.0411 (5)(c) St. Lucie Schools will use the state determined VAM score for each teacher. The score provided by FDOE for each teacher will range from 1 – 4. The score received from FDOE will be translated into the student performance score using four levels of performance as outlined below. The state VAM score will be used to calculate the student performance component of the overall summative evaluation. VAM Score Calculated by FDOE 4 3 2 1 Student Performance Rating Highly Effective Effective Needs Improvement/Developing Unsatisfactory For teachers with multiple VAM scores: St. Lucie Schools will use a proportional methodology to determine the student performance measure for teachers based on courses assigned, instructional position, and student load for those students who have VAM, and non‐VAM courses. For elementary teachers with student proficiency measures (grades PK – 3): Individual scores by test for each student will be electronically scored and entered into the district data warehouse. Assessment results for all students assigned to the teacher will be aggregated at the district. All calculations to arrive at the teacher’s overall score will occur at the district level. For teachers of VPK students, the number of students demonstrating proficiency on period 3 VPK Assessment will be divided by the number of students taking the assessment to determine the percentage of students demonstrating proficiency. For teachers in grades K – 2, the number of students assigned to the teacher that demonstrate proficiency on the English Language Arts assessment, the math assessment will be calculated and divided by the number of assessments taken resulting in an average number of students demonstrating proficiency on the assessments. The number of students taking each assessment will also be divided by the number of assessments given to determine the average number of students assessed. The aggregate number of students demonstrating proficiency on the assessments will then be divided by the number of students taking both assessment measures to determine the overall percentage of proficient students assigned to the teacher. For teachers of students in grade 3, the number of students assigned to the teacher that demonstrate proficiency on FSA ELA and FSA Math will be calculated and divided by the number of assessments taken resulting in an average number of students demonstrating proficiency. The number of students taking each assessment will also be divided by the number of assessments given to determine the average number of students assessed. The aggregate number of students demonstrating proficiency on FSA ELA and Math and EasyCBM will then be divided by the number of students taking both assessment measures to determine the overall percentage of proficient students assigned to the teacher. Page 7 For teachers with Semester 1 and Semester 2 Scores: Individual scores by test will be determined by the teacher and entered into the Skyward Student Grading System as each student’s final semester exam, which will then be incorporated as a factor in the student’s semester grade. For the teacher evaluation system the final semester exam results for all students assigned to the teacher for both semester 1 and semester 2 will be aggregated in the district data warehouse. This total score will then be divided by the number of students who took the exams. For teachers with Students with Disabilities: Student proficiency scores on statewide assessments for all students assigned to the teacher for both semester 1 and semester 2 will be aggregated in the district data warehouse. This total score will then be divided by the number of students that took the assessment. Transformation Procedure: The average score for each teacher (non-VAM courses) will be calculated by group as described above. Within each group the individual teacher’s score will be transformed to a Z score and cut points will be determined to assign each teacher a student performance factor rating of “1” or Unsatisfactory, “2” or Needs Improvement/Developing, “3” or Effective or “4” Highly Effective. Rounding: Since the overall rating calculation for teachers with no VAM may not result in a whole number, the rating calculation will be carried out to two decimal places and the following rating scale will be used to determine the overall student performance factor. This rating will be multiplied by 50 percent and combined with the instructional practice factor (multiplied by 50 percent) to achieve the overall final evaluation rating. Unsatisfactory (1) Student Performance Factor Range Needs Improvement/ Developing (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4) 1.0 ‐ 1.49 1.50 – 2.49 2.50 – 3.49 3.50 – 4.0 First Year Teachers: All teachers new to St. Lucie Schools will receive two formal evaluations during their first year of employment with the District. If no VAM or local assessment results as described in Table 1 is available at the time of formal evaluation, the District’s Protocol for Student Performance will be used to identify student data for determination of the performance factor component of the final evaluation score. This Protocol requires the teacher to collaborate with his/her principal to identify at‐risk students utilizing factors such as student attendance, discipline, and available student assessment data. Strategies to impact performance of these students will then be developed. The District Rubric will be applied to differentiate results using a 1 – 4 scale: “1” or Unsatisfactory, “2” or Needs Improvement/ Developing, “3” or Effective or “4” Highly Effective. New teachers working 99 or more days in their initial contract year will be classified as a 1.1 teacher and Table 1 will apply. New teachers working 98 days or less days in their initial contract year will be Page 8 categorized as 1.1 teacher for the remainder of the first contract year and continue as a 1.1 category teacher throughout the next contract year. Student Performance Data Used: When available, student performance data for three years, including the current year and the two years immediately preceding the current year will be used in calculating performance of students. If less than the three most recent years of data are available, those years for which data are available will be used. Courses with State Assessments: Teachers of courses assessed by statewide, standardized assessments under section 1008.22, Florida Statutes, the Value Added Measure (VAM) will comprise at least one third of the evaluation. For the 2015 – 2016 school year the percentage used for each teacher category is specified in Table 1. Courses without State Assessments: For classroom teachers of students for courses not assessed by statewide, standardized assessments, the district‐determined student performance measures are included in Table 1 as applicable to each teacher category. Non‐Classroom Teachers (NCT): For instructional personnel who are not classroom teachers, the district – determined performance measures are identified in Table 1. Beginning in the 2017‐2018 school year, the overall evaluation for Non‐Classroom Teachers will be composed of one‐third (1/3) student performance and two‐thirds (2/3) professional practice. 2. Instructional Practice The percentage of the evaluation that is based on instructional practice (IP) is 50% for teachers in categories 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 2.0. The scoring method uses the Marzano Framework’s rating scale for Domain Elements which include: Formative Ratings used for Each Domain Element 4 Innovating 3 Applying 2 Developing 1 Beginning 0 Not Using These formative ratings are utilized during the collection of data and evidence for the instructional practice component of the instructor’s evaluation. These labels translate into four summative ratings and finally into the four required ratings in Florida Statute as indicated below: Marzano Formative Ratings Innovating Applying Developing and Beginning Not Using St. Lucie Summative Ratings Highly Effective Effective Emerging Ineffective Florida Summative Ratings Highly Effective Effective Developing and Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Using the Florida Model approved evaluation and calculation instruments, Category 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 2.0 instructional personnel will receive a score of 1.0 to 4.0 for instructional practice. This score reflects the teacher’s performance across all elements within the framework (Domains 1‐ 4) while accounting for his or her experience level. It assigns more weight to Domain 1 as having the greatest impact on student achievement and acknowledges teachers’ focus on deliberate practice by measuring teacher improvement over time on specific elements within the framework. Page 9 Description of the Evaluation Framework: The instructional practice component of the St Lucie County School District Instructional Appraisal System uses Dr. Robert Marzano’s Framework as approved by the Florida Department of Education. This framework is embeds contemporary research in instruction and clusters strategies in four domains of teaching responsibilities (Domain 1) Classroom Strategies and Behaviors, (Domain 2) Planning and Preparing, (Domain 3) Reflection on Teaching and (Domain 4) Collegiality and Professionalism. The contemporary research basis in effective educational practices is described below. Research Base and Validation Studies on the Marzano Evaluation Model The Marzano Evaluation Model is currently being used by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) as a model that districts can use or adapt as their evaluation model. That Marzano Evaluation Model is based on a number of previous, related works that include: What Works in Schools (Marzano, 2003), Classroom Instruction that Works (Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2001), Classroom Management that Works (Marzano, Pickering, & Marzano, 2003), Classroom Assessment and Grading that Work (Marzano, 2006), The Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2007), Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, Frontier, & Livingston, 2011). Each of these works was generated from a synthesis of the research and theory. Thus the mode can be considered an aggregation of the research on those elements that have traditionally been shown to correlate with student academic achievement. The model includes four domains: Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Domain 2: Preparing and Planning Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism The four domains include 60 elements: 41 in Domain 1, 8 elements in Domain 2, 5 elements in Domain 3 and 6 elements in Domain 4. The specifics of each domain are listed in Figure 1. For a detailed discussion of these elements see Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, Frontier, & Livingston, 2011). The Research Base from Which the Marzano Evaluation Model Was Developed Each of the works from which the model was developed report substantial research on the elements they address. For example, The Art and Science of Teaching includes over 25 tables reporting the research on the various elements of Domain 1. These tables report the findings from meta‐analytic studies and the average effect sizes computed in these studies. In all, over 5,000 studies (i.e., effect sizes) are covered in the tables representing research over the last five decades. The same can be said for the other titles listed above. Thus, one can say that the model was initially based on thousands of studies that span multiple decades and these studies were chronicled and catalogued in books that have been widely disseminated in the United States. Specifically, over 2,000,000 copies of the books cited above have been purchased and disseminated to K‐12 educators across the United States. Experimental/Control Studies Perhaps one of the more unique aspects of the research on this model is that it has a growing number of experimental/control studies that have been conducted by practicing teachers on the effectives of specific strategies in their classrooms. This is unusual in the sense that these studies are designed to establish a direct causal link between elements of the model and student achievement. Studies that use correlation analysis Page 10 techniques (see next section) can establish a link between elements of a model and student achievement; however, causality cannot be easily inferred. Other evaluation models currently used throughout the country only have correlational data regarding the relationship between their elements and student achievement. To date over 300 experimental/control studies have been conducted. Those studies involved over 14,000 students, 300 teachers, across 38 schools in 14 districts. The average effect size for strategies addressed in the studies was .42 with some studies reporting effect sizes of 2.00 and higher. An average effect size of .42 is associated with a 16 percentile point gain in student achievement. Stated differently: on the average, when teachers use the classroom strategies and behaviors in the Marzano Evaluation Model, their typical student achievement increased by 16 percentile points. However, great gains (i.e., those associated with an effect size of 2.00) can be realized if specific strategies are use in specific ways. Correlational Studies As mentioned above, correlational studies are the most common approach to examining the validity of an evaluation model. Such studies have been, and continue to be conducted, on various elements of the Marzano Evaluation Model. For example, such study was recently conducted in the state of Oklahoma as a part of their examination of elements that are related to student achievement in K 12 schools (see What Works in Oklahoma Schools: Phase I Report and What Works in Oklahoma School: Phase II Report, by Marzano Research Laboratory, 2010 and 2011 respectively). Those studies involved 59 schools, 117 teachers and over 13,000 K‐12 students. Collectively, those reports indicate positive relationships with various elements of the Marzano Evaluation Model across the domains. Specific emphasis was placed on Domain 1 particularly in the Phase II report. Using state mathematics and reading test data, 96% of the 82 correlations (i.e., 41 correlations for mathematics and 41 for reading) were found to be positive with some as high as .40 and greater. A .40 correlation translates to an effect size (i.e., standardized mean difference) of .87 which is associated with a 31 percentile point gain in student achievement. These studies also aggregated data across the nine design questions in Domain 1. All correlations were positive for this aggregated data. Seven of those correlations ranged from .33 to .40. These correlations translate into effect sizes of .70 and higher. High correlations such as these were also reported for the total number of Domain 1 strategies teachers used in a school. Specifically the number of Domain 1 strategies teachers used in school had a .35 correlation with reaching proficiency and a .26 correlation with mathematics proficiency. Technology Studies Another unique aspect of the research conducted on the model is that its effects have been examined in the context of technology. For example, a two year study was conducted to determine (in part) the relationship between selected elements from Domain 1 and the effectiveness of interactive whiteboards in enhancing student achievement (see Final Report: A Second Year Evaluation Study of Promethean ActivClassroom by Haystead and Marzano, 2010). In all, 131 experimental/control studies were conducted across the spectrum of grade levels. Selected elements of Domain 1 were correlated with the effect sizes for use of the interactive white boards. All correlations for Domain 1 elements were positive with some as high as .70. This implies that the effectiveness of the interactive whiteboards as used in these 131 studies was greatly enhanced by the use of Domain 1 strategies. Summary In summary, the Marzano Evaluation Model was designed using literally thousands of studies conducted over the past five or more decades and published in books that have been widely used by K‐12 educators. In addition, experimental/control studies have been conducted that establish a more direct causal linkages with enhanced student achievement that can be made with other types of data analysis. Correlation studies (the more typical approach to examining the viability of a model) have also been conducted indicating positive Page 11 correlations between the elements of the model and student mathematics and reading achievement. Finally, the model has been studied as to its effects on the use of technology (i.e., interactive whiteboards) and found it to be highly correlated with the effectiveness of that technology. References Haystead, M. W. & Marzano, R.J. (2010) Final Report: A Second Year Evaluation Study of Promethean ActivClassroom. Englewood, CO: Marzano Research Laboratory ( Haystead, M. W. & Marzano, R.J. (2010). Meta‐Analytic Synthesis of Studies Conducted at Marzano Research Laboratory on instructional Strategies. Englewood, CO: Marzano Research Laboratory ( Marzano, R.J. (2003). What works in schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Marzano, R. J. (2006).Classroom assessment and grading that work. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Marzano, R.J. (2007). The art and science of teaching. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Marzano, R. J., Frontier, T., & Livingston, D. (2011). Effective supervision: Supporting the art and science of teaching. Alexandria VA: ASCD Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Marzano, R.J., Marzano, J. S., & Pickering, D. J. (2003). Classroom management that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Marzano Research Laboratory. (2010) What Works in Oklahoma Schools: Phase I Report. Englewood, CO: Marzano Research Laboratory ( Marzano Research Laboratory. (2011) What Works in Oklahoma Schools: Phase II Report. Englewood, CO: Marzano Research. ************************************************************************************** Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) : The St. Lucie Public Schools’ district framework contains indicators bases on FEAPs as detailed on pages 13 - 41. Instructional Observation Procedures: Procedures for conducting observations and collecting data and other evidence of instructional practice are outlined in the Tables below. Observations are conducted by school administrators (either the principal or assistant principal). The process includes feedback specific to improvements and level of progress toward effective teaching. Procedures used for new teachers in category 1.1 are outlined in Table 2. Procedures used for teachers in categories 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0 are outlined in Table 3. Ratings for each Element are recorded using the forms included on pages 42 – 124. The results of each observation are input into the District’s BloomBoard System. This System is used to record ratings and calculate the overall Instructional Practice Score. It is also used by the observer to record feedback and a means of requesting and receiving feedback regarding observations by both the observer and the teacher. Required Number of Observations: As specified in Table 2: Procedures used for Category 1.1 Teachers, 4 informal observations, and 2 formal observations will be conducted during the first year of employment in the district. As specified in Table 3: Procedures Used for Category 1.2. 1.3, and 2.0 Teachers, 2 informal and 1 formal observation will be conducted during the school year. Page 12 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning theories, the effective educator: INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND DOMAIN 2: PLANNING LESSON PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 1a Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding within lessons appropriate level 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.1.3 Planning and preparing for appropriate attention to established content standards 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-toone computer DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 1 Page 13 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning theories, the effective educator: INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND DOMAIN 2: PLANNING LESSON PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 1b Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding within and required prior knowledge lessons 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.1.3 Planning and preparing for appropriate attention to established content standards 2.2 Planning and Preparing for Use of Materials and 1c Designs instruction for Technology students to achieve mastery 2.2.1Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-toone computer DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM RE 3 Celebrating success Content C 2 Organizing students to interact with new knowledge C 10 Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge C 16 Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks 2 Page 14 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning theories, the effective educator: INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND LESSON PLANNING DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling 1d Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success 3 Page 15 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning theories, the effective educator: INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND LESSON PLANNING 1e Uses a variety of data, independently, and in collaboration with colleagues to evaluate learning outcomes, adjust planning and continuously improve the effectiveness of the lessons DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS Routine Events DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING 3.1 Evaluating Personal Performance DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 4.1 Promoting a Positive Environment 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success 3.1.1 Identifying specific areas of pedagogical strength and weakness 3.1.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of individual lessons and units 4.1.1 Promoting positive interactions with colleagues 4.1.2 Promoting positive interactions with students and parents Content C 11 Homework 3.1.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of specific pedagogical strategies and behaviors across different categories of students (i.e., different socio-economic groups, different ethnic groups) 4.2 Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies 4.2.1 Seeking mentorship for areas of need and interest 4.2.2 Mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas and strategies 3.2 Developing a Professional Growth Plan 3.2.1 Developing a written growth plan 3.2.2 Monitoring progress relative to the professional growth plan 4.3 Promoting District and School Development 4.3.1 Adhering to district and school rules and procedures 4.3.2 Participating in district and school initiatives Enacted on the Spot EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students 4 Page 16 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning theories, the effective educator: INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND LESSON PLANNING 1f Develops learning experiences that requires students to demonstrate a variety of applicable skills and competencies DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-toone computer 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Content C 2 Organizing students to interact with new knowledge C 10 Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge C 16 Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling 5 Page 17 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2a Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units Routine Events 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding within lessons 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.1.3 Planning and preparing for appropriate attention to established content standards 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures RE 5 Organizing the physical layout of the classroom DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot EOS 13 Understanding students' interests and backgrounds EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" EOS 15 Displaying objectivity and control 6 Page 18 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2b Manages individual and class behaviors through a wellplanned management system 2c Conveys high expectations to all students DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Routine Events RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures RE 5 Organizing the physical layout of the classroom Enacted on the Spot EOS 1 Noticing when students are not engaged EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" EOS 11 Applying consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures EOS 12 Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures EOS 15 Revising knowledge Routine Events RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success Content C 1 Identifying critical information 7 Page 19 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot EOS 6 Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students EOS 18 Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students 2d Respects students' cultural, linguistic and family background Routine Events RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success Content C 1 Identifying critical information 8 Page 20 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot EOS 6 Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm EOS 14 Using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate affection for students EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students EOS 18 Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students 2e Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units Routine Events 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures 9 Page 21 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2f Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Content C 1 Identifying critical information C 3 Previewing new content C 4 Chunking content into “digestible bites" Enacted on the Spot EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" EOS 11 Applying consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures EOS 12 Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success 10 Page 22 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Content C 1 Identifying critical information Enacted on the Spot EOS 6 Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm EOS 14 Using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate affection for students EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students EOS 18 Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students 11 Page 23 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2g Integrates current information and communication technologies DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 2.2 Planning and Preparing for Use of Materials and Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-to-one computer 12 Page 24 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2h Adapts the learning 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units environment to accommodate the differing needs and 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective diversity of students scaffolding within lessons 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.1.3 Planning and preparing for appropriate attention to established content standards DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures RE 5 Organizing the physical layout of the classroom DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 4.2 Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies 4.2.2 Mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas and strategies 13 Page 25 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Content C 1 Identifying critical information C 2 Organizing students to interact with new knowledge C 10 Organizing students to practice and deepen new knowledge C 16 Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks 14 Page 26 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot EOS 1 Noticing when students are not engaged EOS 5 Maintaining a lively pace EOS 6 Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" EOS 11 Applying consequences for lack of adherence and adherence to rules and procedures EOS 12 Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures EOS 13 Understanding students' interests and backgrounds EOS 14 Using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate affection for students E0S 15 Displaying objectivity and control EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students EOS 18 Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students 15 Page 27 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPs Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator: THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2i Utilizes current and emerging assistive technology that enables students to participate in high quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 2.2 Planning and Preparing for Use of Materials and Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-to-one computer 16 Page 28 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY AND FACILITATION 3a Delivers engaging and challenging lessons DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units Routine Events 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales within lessons RE 2 Tracking student progress 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that RE 3 Celebrating Success RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Content Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available C 1 Identifying critical information traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons C 3 Previewing new content (e.g., manipulatives, videos tapes) C 4 Chunking content into “digestible bites" 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as C 5 Processing new information interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-to- C 7 Recording and representing knowledge C 9 Reviewing content one computer 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students C 10 Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge C 12 Examining similarities and differences C 13 Examining errors in reasoning C 14 Practicing skills, strategies, and processes C 15 Revising knowledge C 16 Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks 17 Page 29 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY AND FACILITATION DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling 3b Deepens and enriches students' understanding through content area literacy strategies, verbalization of thought and application of the subject matter DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM C 17 Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing C 18 Providing resources and guidance Enacted on the Spot EOS 1 Noticing when students are not engaged EOS 2 Using academic games EOS 3 Managing response rates EOS 4 Using physical movement EOS 5 Maintaining a lively pace EOS 7 Using friendly controversy EOS 8 Provide opportunities for students to talk about themselves EOS 9 Presenting unusual or intriguing information EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" EOS 11 Applying consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures EOS 13 Understanding students' interests and backgrounds EOS 15 Displaying objectivity and control EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students 18 Page 30 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY AND FACILITATION DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 3c Identifies gaps in student's subject matter DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM EOS 18 Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students 3d Modifies instructions to respond to preconceptions or misconceptions 3e Relates and integrates the 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units subject matter with other disciplines and life experiences 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding within lessons 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.1.3 Planning and preparing for appropriate attention to established content standards Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures RE 5 Organizing the physical layout of the classroom 4.2 Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies 4.2.2 Mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas and strategies 19 Page 31 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY AND FACILITATION 3f Employs high order questioning techniques DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Enacted on the Spot Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available EOS 1 Noticing when students are not engaged traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons EOS 5 Maintaining a lively pace (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) EOS 6 Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-to- EOS 11 Applying consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures one computer 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students EOS 14 Using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate affection for students EOS 15 Displaying objectivity and control 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students language learners EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special EOS 18 Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling Content C 1 Identifying critical information C 5 Processing new information C 6 Elaborating on new information C 7 Recording and representing knowledge C 8 Reflecting on learning C 9 Reviewing content C 12 Examining similarities and differences C 13 Examining errors in reasoning C 14 Practicing skills, strategies, and processes C 15 Revising knowledge 20 Page 32 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY AND FACILITATION DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot EOS 3 Managing response rates EOS 7 Using friendly controversy 3g Applies varied instructional 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Routine Events strategies and resources Technology including appropriate 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales technology to provide traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons RE 2 Tracking student progress comprehensible instruction, (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) RE 3 Celebrating success and to teach for student 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as understanding interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-toone computer 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling Content C 2 Organizing students to interact with new knowledge C 10 Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge C 16 Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks 21 Page 33 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY AND FACILITATION DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 3h Adapts the learning 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units Enacted on the Spot environment to accommodate the differing needs and 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding EOS 13 Understanding students' interests and backgrounds diversity of students within lessons 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.1.3 Planning and preparing for appropriate attention to established content standards 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-toone computer 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling 22 Page 34 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY AND FACILITATION 3i Supports and encourages immediate feedback DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures Content C 1 Identifying critical information C 3 Previewing new content C 4 Chunking content into “digestible bites" Enacted on the Spot EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" EOS 11 Applying consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures EOS 12 Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures 3j Utilizes student feedback to 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students monitor instructional needs and to adjust instruction 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot EOS 1 Noticing when students are not engaged EOS 3 Managing response rates EOS 5 Maintaining a lively pace EOS 8 Provide opportunities for students to talk about themselves EOS 13 Understanding students' interests and backgrounds 23 Page 35 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 4. Assessment. The effective educator consistently: ASSESSMENT 4a Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students' learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding within lessons 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success RE 4 Establishing classroom rules and procedures 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Technology Content 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, videos tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-to-one computer C 2 Organizing students to interact with new knowledge C 3 Managing response rates C 5 Processing new information C 6 Elaborating on new information C 7 Recording and representing knowledge C 8 Reflecting on learning C 9 Reviewing content C 10 Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge C 12 Examining similarities and differences C 13 Examining errors in reasoning C 14 Practicing skills, strategies, and processes C 15 Revising knowledge C 16 Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks C 17 Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing C 18 Providing resources and guidance DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 24 Page 36 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 4. Assessment. The effective educator consistently: ASSESSMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot EOS 1 Noticing when students are not engaged EOS 2 Using academic games EOS 3 Managing response rates EOS 4 Using physical movement EOS 5 Maintaining a lively pace EOS 7 Using friendly controversy EOS 8 Provide opportunities for students to talk about themselves EOS 9 Presenting unusual or intriguing information EOS 10 Demonstrating "withitness" EOS 13 Understanding students' interests and backgrounds EOS 15 Displaying objectivity and control EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students EOS 18 Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students 2.1 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 4b Designs and aligns formative and summative assessments that match learning objectives and lead to 2.1.1 Planning and preparing for effective scaffolding within lessons mastery 2.1.2 Planning and preparing for lessons within units that progress toward a deep understanding and transfer of content 2.1.3 Planning and preparing for appropriate attention to established content standards Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success 25 Page 37 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching a) Quality of Instruction 4. Assessment. The effective educator consistently: ASSESSMENT DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 4c Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement and learning gains DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Routine Events 4d Modifies assessments and 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students testing conditions to 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs of students who come accommodate learning styles from home environments that offer little support for schooling and varying levels of knowledge 4e Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and the student's parents/caregiver(s) 4f Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success Enacted on the Spot EOS 1 Noticing when students are not engaged EOS 3 Managing response rates EOS 5 Maintaining a lively pace EOS 8 Provide opportunities for students to talk about themselves EOS 13 Understanding students' interests and backgrounds Routine Events RE 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success Enacted on the Spot EOS 3 Managing response rates 2.2 Planning and Preparing for the Use of Materials and Technology 2.2.1 Planning and preparing for the use of available traditional resources for upcoming units and lessons (e.g., manipulatives, video tapes) 2.2.2 Planning for the use of available technology such as interactive white boards, voting technologies and one-to-one computer 26 Page 38 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching b) Continuous Improvement, Responsibility and Ethics 1. Continuous Improvement. The effective educator consistently: CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, RESPONSIBILITY, AND ETHICS 1a Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students' needs DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING 2.3 Planning and Preparing for Special Needs Students 2.3.1 Planning and preparing for the needs of English language learners 2.3.2 Planning and preparing for the needs of special education students DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Routine Events 3.1 Evaluating Personal Performance 4.1 Promoting a Positive Environment RE 2 Tracking student progress RE 3 Celebrating success Content 3.1.1 Identifying specific areas of pedagogical strength and weakness 3.1.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of individual lessons and units 4.1.1 Promoting positive interactions with colleagues 4.1.2 Promoting positive interactions with students and parents 2.3.3 Planning and preparing for the needs C 11 Homework of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING 3.1.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of specific 4.2 Promoting Exchange of Ideas and pedagogical strategies and Strategies Enacted on the Spot behaviors across different categories EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect of students (i.e., different socio-economic groups, different ethnic groups) for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students 3.2 Developing a Professional Growth Plan 3.2.1 Developing a written growth plan 3.2.2 Monitoring progress relative to the professional growth plan 4.2.1 Seeking mentorship for areas of need and interest 4.2.2 Mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas and strategies 4.3 Promoting District and School Development 4.3.1 Adhering to district and school rules and procedures 4.3.2 Participating in district and school initiatives 27 Page 39 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching b) Continuous Improvement, Responsibility and Ethics 1. Continuous Improvement. The effective educator consistently: CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, RESPONSIBILITY, AND ETHICS DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM 1b Examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student achievement 1c Collaborates with the home, school and larger communities to foster communication and to support student learning and continuous improvement 1d Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices 1e Implements knowledge and skills learned in professional development in the teaching and learning process 28 Page 40 Florida Department of Education Support for Local Education Agencies FEAPS Crosswalk to Marzano Art and Science of Teaching b) Continuous Improvement, Responsibility and Ethics 2. Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct. Understanding that educators are held to a high moral standard in the community, the effective educator adheres to the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida, pursuant to State Board of Education Rules 6B-1.006, F.A.C. and fulfills the expected obligations to students, the public and the education profession. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICAL CONDUCT 2a Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida DOMAIN 2: PLANNING AND PREPARING DOMAIN 1: CLASSROOM STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS DOMAIN 3: REFLECTING ON TEACHING DOMAIN 4: COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Enacted on the Spot 4.1 Promoting a Positive Environment EOS 16 Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students EOS 17 Asking questions of low expectancy students 4.1.1 Promoting positive interactions with colleagues 4.1.2 Promoting positive interactions with students and parents 4.3 Promoting District and School Development 4.3.1 Adhering to district and school rules and procedures 4.3.2 Participating in district and school initiatives 29 Page 41 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM PER0168.1 Page 42 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Art and Science of Teaching Observation and Feedback Protocol DOMAIN 1 Short Form - Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events ____________________________________ / __________________________________ Teacher’s Name (Please Print) _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Date AM AM ___________________________________ / ________________________________ ____:_____PM _____:_____PM Observer’s Name (Please Print) Observer’s Signature Time Started Time Ended RULES & PROCEDURES LEARNING GOALS & FEEDBACK LESSON SEGMENTS INVOLVING ROUTINE EVENTS 1. Providing clear learning goals and scales to measure those goals (e.g., provide or remind students about a specific learning goal) 2. Tracking student progress (e.g., use formative assessments to help students chart individual/group progress on a learning goal) 3. Celebrating Student Success (e.g., provide or remind students about a specific learning goal) I A I D A I A D D B NU B NU B NU 4. Establishing Classroom Routines (e.g., remind students of rules/procedures or establishes new rules/procedures) I A D B NU 5. Organizing the physical layout of the classroom for learning (e.g., organize materials/traffic, patterns/displays to enhance learning) I A D B NU Domain 1 Short Form – Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events PER0168.2 Page 1 of 3 P Page 43 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM DOMAIN 1 Short Form - Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events ____________________________________ / _________________________________ Teacher’s Name (Please Print) _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Date AM AM ___________________________________ / ________________________________ ____:_____PM _____:_____PM Observer’s Name (Please Print) Observer’s Signature Time Started Time Ended LESSON SEGMENTS ADDRESSING CONTENT 1. Identifying critical information (e.g. provide clues) 10. Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge (e.g. organize students to review or practice skills) Circle One: I A D B NU 11. Using homework (e.g. use homework for independent practice or to elaborate on information) Circle One: I A D B NU 12. Examining similarities and differences (e.g. engage students in comparing/ classifying/creating analogies and metaphors) Circle One: I A D B NU 13. Examining errors in reasoning (e.g. ask students to examine informal fallacies, propaganda, and bias) Circle One: I A D B NU 14. Practicing skills, strategies, and processes (e.g. use massed and distributed practice) Circle One: I A D B NU Organizing students to interact with new knowledge (e.g. organize students into dyads/triads) Circle One: I A D B NU 3. Previewing new content (e.g. use K-W-L, advance organizers, and preview questions strategies) Circle One: I A D B NU 4. Chunking content into “digestible bites” (e.g. present content in small portions tailored to individual students) Circle One: I A D B NU 5. Group processing of new information (e.g.ask students to summarize and clarify what they have experienced) Circle One: I A D B NU 6. Elaborating on new information (e.g. ask questions that require students to make and defend inferences) Circle One: I A D B NU 15. Revising knowledge (e.g. ask students to revise entries in notebooks to clarify/add to previous information) Circle One: I A D B NU 7. Recording and representing knowledge (e.g. ask students to summarize, take notes, use nonlinguistic representation) Circle One: I A D B NU 16. Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks (e.g. organize students into small groups to facilitate tasks) Circle One: I A D B NU 8. Reflecting on learning (e.g. ask students to reflect on their understanding or what they are still confused about) Circle One: I A D B NU 17. Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generating and testing (e.g. engage students in decision making tasks, problem solving tasks, experimental inquiry tasks, investigation tasks Circle One: I A D B NU 9. Reviewing content (e.g. review related content addressed pre viously) Circle One: I A D B NU 18. Providing resources and guidance (e.g. make resources available specific to tasks and help students execute tasks) Circle One: I A D B NU PRACTICING & DEEPENING KNOWLEDGE 2. GENERATING & TESTING HYPOTHESIS INTERACTING WITH NEW KNOWLEDGE Circle One: I A D B NU Domain 1 Short Form – Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events PER0168.2 Page 2 of 3 Page 44 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM DOMAIN 1 Short Form - Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events ____________________________________ / _________________________________ Teacher’s Name (Please Print) _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Date AM AM ___________________________________ / ________________________________ ____:_____PM _____:_____PM Observer’s Name (Please Print) Observer’s Signature Time Started Time Ended Using academic games (e.g. adopt popular games to re-engage students and focus their attention on academic content) Circle One: I A D B NU 3. Managing response rates during questioning (e.g. ensure multiple students respond to questions) Circle One: I A D B NU 4. Using physical movement (e.g. require students to move physically) Circle One: I A D B NU 5. Maintaining a lively pace (e.g. slow/quicken pace of instruction in such a way as to enhance engagement) Circle One: I A D B NU 6. Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm (e.g. use verbal/nonverbal signals to indicate enthusiasm about content) Circle One: I A D B NU 7. Using friendly controversy (e.g. require students to take and defend a position about content) Circle One: I A D B NU 8. Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves (e.g. allow students to relate content to personal lives) Circle One: I A D B NU 9. Presenting unusual or intriguing information (e.g. provide/encourage identification of intriguing information about content) Circle One: I A D B NU ADHERENCE TO RULES AND PROCEDURES 2. TEACHERS/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS Noticing and reacting when students are not engaged (e.g. scan classroom to monitor student engagement level) Circle One: I A D B NU HIGH EXPECTATIONS STUDENT ENGAGEMENT LESSON SEGMENTS ENACTED ON THE SPOT 1. 10. Demonstrating “withitness” (e.g. aware of variations in student behavior and attend to potential disruptions) Circle One: I A D B NU 11. Applying consequences (e.g. apply consequences to lack of adherence to rules/ procedures consistently and fairly) Circle One: I A D B NU 12. Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures (e.g. acknowledge consistently and fairly) Circle One: I A D B NU 13. Students’ interests and backgrounds (e.g. seek out knowledge about students to engage them) Circle One: I A D B NU 14. Using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate affection for students (e.g. use humor and friendly banter appropriately) Circle One: I A D B NU 15. Displaying objectivity and control (e.g. behave in ways that indicate s/he does not take infractions personally) Circle One: I A D B NU 16. Demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students (e.g. demonstrate the same positive affective tone with low as well as high expectancy students) Circle One: I A D B NU 17. Asking questions of low expectancy students (e.g. ask questions of low expectancy students with the same frequency and level of difficulty as with high expectancy students) Circle One: I A D B NU 18. Probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students (e.g. inquire into incorrect answers with the same depth and rigor as with high expectancy students) Circle One: I A D B NU Domain 1 Short Form – Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events PER0168.2 Page 3 of 3 Page 45 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: Design Question #1: What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success? 1. Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales (Rubrics) The teacher provides a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by scale or rubric that describes levels of performance relative to the learning goal. Teacher Evidence Teacher has a learning goal posted so that all students can see it The learning goal is a clear statement of knowledge or information as opposed to an activity or assignment Teacher makes reference to the learning goal throughout the lesson Teacher has a scale or rubric that relates to the learning goal posted so that all students can see it Teacher makes reference to the scale or rubric throughout the lesson Student Evidence When asked, students can explain the learning goal for the lesson When asked, students can explain how their current activities relate to the learning goal When asked, students can explain the meaning of the levels of performance articulated in the scale or rubric Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Scale Providing clear learning goals and scales (rubrics) Applying Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Providing clear learning goals and scales (rubrics) DOMAIN 1 Developing Beginning Applying Developing Provides a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describes levels of performance and monitors students understanding of the learning goal and the levels of performance. Provides a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describes levels of performance. Not Applicable Not Using Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for providing clearly stated learning goals and rubrics that address the unique student needs and situations? In addition to providing a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describes levels of performance, how can you monitor students understanding of the learning goal and the levels of performance? How can you provide a clearly stated learning goal accompanied by a scale or rubric that describes levels of performance? How can you begin to incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your instruction? Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events PER0168.3 Page 1 Page 46 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 2. Tracking Student Progress The teacher facilitates tracking of student progress on one or more learning goals using a formative approach to assessment. Teacher Evidence Teacher helps student track their individual progress on the learning goal Teacher uses formal and informal means to assign scores to students on the scale or rubric depicting student status on the learning goal Teacher charts the progress of the entire class on the learning goal Student Evidence When asked, students can describe their status relative to the learning goal using the scale or rubric Students systematically update their status on the learning goal Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Tracking student progress DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Innovating Applying Developing Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Facilitates tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment and monitors the extent to which students understand their level of performance. Facilitates tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for facilitating tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment, that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to facilitating tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment, how can you monitor the extent to which students understand their level of performance? How can you facilitate tracking of student progress using a formative approach to assessment? How can you begin to incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your instruction? Reflection Questions Tracking student progress Developing Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. PER0168.3 Page 2 Page 47 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 3. Celebrating Success The teacher provides students with recognition of their current status and their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal. Teacher Evidence Teacher acknowledges students who have achieved a certain score on the scale or rubric Teacher acknowledges students who have made gains in their knowledge and skill relative to the learning goal Teacher acknowledges and celebrates the final status and progress of the entire class Teacher uses a variety of ways to celebrate success x Show of hands x Certification of success x Parent notification x Round of applause Student Evidence Student show signs of pride regarding their accomplishments in the class When asked, students say they want to continue to make progress Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Celebrating success Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. DOMAIN 1 Applying Beginning Developing Not Applicable Not Using Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Provides students with recognition of their current status and their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal and monitors the extent to which students are motivated to enhance their status. Provides students with recognition of their current status and their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for providing students with recognition of their current status and their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to providing students with recognition of their current status and their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal, how can you monitor the extent to which students are motivated to enhance their status? How can you provide students with recognition of their current status and their knowledge gain relative to the learning goal? How can you begin to incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your instruction? Reflection Questions Celebrating success Developing Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events PER0168.3 Page 3 Page 48 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Student Interviews Student Questions: x x x What learning goal did today’s lesson focus on? How well are you doing on that learning goal? Describe the different levels you can be at on the learning goal. DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events PER0168.3 Page 4 Page 49 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Design Question #6: What will I do to establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures? 4. Establishing Classroom Routines The teacher reviews expectations regarding rules and procedures to ensure their effective execution. Teacher Evidence Teacher involves students in designing classroom routines Teacher uses classroom meetings to review and process rules and procedures Teacher reminds students of rules and procedures Teacher asks students to restate or explain rules and procedures Teacher provides cues or signals when a rule or procedure should be used Student Evidence Students follow clear routines during class When asked, students can describe established rules and procedures When asked, students describe the classroom as an orderly place Students recognize cues and signals by the teacher Students regulate their own behavior Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Establishing classroom routines Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Establishing classroom routines DOMAIN 1 Developing Beginning Applying Developing Establishes and reviews expectations regarding rules and procedures and monitors the extent to which students understand the rules and procedures. Establishes and reviews expectations regarding rules and procedures. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create strategies for establishing and reviewing expectations, rules, and procedures that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to establishing and reviewing expectations regarding rules and procedures, how can you monitor the extent to which students understand the rules and procedures? Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events Not Using Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you establish and review expectations regarding rules and procedures? PER0168.3 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your instruction? Page 5 Page 50 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 5. Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom The teacher organizes the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning. Teacher Evidence The physical layout of the classroom has clear traffic patterns The physical layout of the classroom provides easy access to materials and centers The classroom is decorated in a way that enhances student learning: x Bulletin boards relate to current content x Students work is displayed Student Evidence Students move easily about the classroom Students make use of materials and learning centers Students attend to examples of their work that are displayed Students attend to information on the bulletin boards Students can easily focus on instruction Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Organizing the physical layout of the classroom Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Organizing the physical layout of the classroom Innovating What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Applying Developing Beginning Not Using Organizes the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning and monitors the impact of the environment on student learning. Organizes the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning. Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Applying Developing Beginning Not Using How might you adapt and create new strategies for organizing the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to organizing the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning, how can you monitor the impact of the environment on student learning? How can you organize the physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning? How can you begin to incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your instruction? 1. Student Interviews Student Questions: x What are the regular rules and procedures you are expected to follow in class? x How well do you do at following the rules and procedures and why? __________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 1 _______________________________ Teacher Date Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events PER0168.3 Page 6 Page 51 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Addressing Content Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: Design Question #2: What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge? 6. Identifying Critical Information The teacher identifies a lesson or part of a lesson as involving important information to which students should pay particular attention. Teacher Evidence Teacher begins the lesson by explaining why upcoming content is important Teacher tells students to get ready for some important information Teacher cues the importance of upcoming information in some indirect fashion x Tone of voice x Body position x Level of excitement Student Evidence When asked, students can describe the level of importance of the information addressed in class When asked, students can explain why the content is important to pay attention to Students visibly adjust their level of engagement Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Identifying critical information Innovating DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Signals to students which content is critical versus noncritical and monitors the extent to which students are attending to critical information. Signals to students which content is critical versus noncritical. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for identifying critical information that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to signaling to students which content is critical versus noncritical, how might you monitor the extent to which students attend to critical information? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Identifying critical information Developing Lesson Segments Addressing Content Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you signal to students which content is critical versus non-critical? PER0168.4 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Page 1 Page 52 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 7. Organizing Students to Interact with New Knowledge The teacher organizes students into small groups to facilitate the processing of new information. Teacher Evidence Teacher has established routines for student grouping and student interaction in groups Teacher organizes students into ad hoc groups for the lesson x Diads x Triads x Small groups up to about 5 Student Evidence Students move to groups in an orderly fashion Students appear to understand expectations about appropriate behavior in groups x Respect opinions of others x Add their perspective to discussions x Ask and answer questions Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Organizing students to interact with new knowledge Innovating DOMAIN 1 Applying Beginning Not Using Developing Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Organizes students into small groups to facilitate the processing of new knowledge and monitors group processing. Organizes students into small groups to facilitate the processing of new knowledge. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for organizing students to interact with new knowledge that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to organizing students into small groups to facilitate the processing of new knowledge, how can you monitor group processes? How can you organize students into small groups to facilitate the processing of new knowledge? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Organizing students to interact with new knowledge Developing Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 2 Page 53 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 8. Previewing New Content The teacher engages students in activities that help them link what they already know to the new content about to be addressed and facilitates these linkages. Teacher Evidence Teacher uses preview question before reading Teacher uses K-W-L strategy or variation of it Teacher asks or reminds students what they already know about the topic Teacher provides an advanced organizer x Outline x Graphic organizer Teacher has students brainstorm Teacher uses anticipation guide Teacher uses motivational hook/launching activity x Anecdotes x Short selection from video Teacher uses word splash activity to connect vocabulary to upcoming content Student Evidence When asked, students can explain linkages with prior knowledge When asked, students make predictions about upcoming content When asked, students can provide a purpose for what they are about to learn Students actively engage in previewing activities Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Previewing new content Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Previewing new content DOMAIN 1 Innovating What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Applying Developing Engages students in learning activities that require them to preview and link new knowledge to what has been addressed and monitors the extent to which students are making linkages. Engages students in learning activities that require them to preview and link new knowledge to what has been addressed. Applying Developing Beginning How might you adapt and create new strategies for previewing new content that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to engaging students in learning activities that require them to preview and link new knowledge to what has been addressed, how can you also monitor the extent to which students are making linkages? How can you engage students in learning activities that require them to preview and link new knowledge to what has been addressed? Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Not Using How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Page 3 Page 54 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 9. Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites” Based on student needs, the teacher breaks the content into small chunks (i.e. digestible bites) of information that can be easily processed by students. Teacher Evidence Teacher stops at strategic points in a verbal presentation While playing a video tape, the teacher turns the tape off at key junctures While providing a demonstration, the teacher stops at strategic points While students are reading information or stories orally as a class, the teacher stops at strategic points Student Evidence When asked, students can explain why the teacher is stopping at various points Students appear to know what is expected of them when the teacher stops at strategic points Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Chunking content into digestible bites Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Innovating Chunking content into digestible bites DOMAIN 1 What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Applying Developing Breaks input experiences into small chunks based on student needs and monitors the extent to which chunks are appropriate. Breaks input experiences into small chunks based on student needs. Applying Developing Beginning Not Using In addition to breaking input experiences into small chunks based on student needs, how can you also monitor the extent to which chunks are appropriate? How can you break input experiences into small chunks based on student needs? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? How might you adapt and create new strategies for chunking content into digestible bites that address unique student needs and situations? Lesson Segments Addressing Content Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. PER0168.4 Page 4 Page 55 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 10. Processing New Information During breaks in the presentation of content, the teacher engages students in actively processing new information. Teacher Evidence Teacher has group members summarize new information Teacher employs formal group processing strategies x Jigsaw x Reciprocal Teaching x Concept attainment Student Evidence When asked, students can explain what they have just learned Students volunteer predictions Students voluntarily ask clarification questions Groups are actively discussing the content x Group members ask each other and answer questions about the information x Group members make predictions about what they expect next Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Processing new information Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. DOMAIN 1 Applying Beginning Not Using Developing Engages students in summarizing, predicting, and questioning activities and monitor the extent to which the activities enhance students’ understanding. Engages students in summarizing, predicting, and questioning activities. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for processing new information that address unique student needs and situations? Reflection Questions Processing new information Developing In addition to engaging students in summarizing, predicting, and questioning activities, how can you monitor the extent to which the activities enhance students’ understanding? Lesson Segments Addressing Content Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Applicable Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning Not Using How can you engage students in summarizing, predicting, and questioning activities? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? PER0168.4 Page 5 Page 56 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 11. Elaborating on New Information The teacher asks questions or engages students in activities that require elaborative inferences that go beyond what was explicitly taught. Teacher Evidence Teacher asks explicit questions that require students to make elaborative inferences about the content Teacher asks students to explain and defend their inferences Teacher presents situations or problems that require inferences Student Evidence Students volunteer answers to inferential questions Students provide explanations and “proofs” for inferences Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Elaborating on new information Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Elaborating on new information DOMAIN 1 Developing Applying Engages students in answering inferential questions and monitors the extent to which students elaborate on what was explicitly taught. Beginning Not Using Developing Engages students in answering inferential questions. Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for elaborating on new information that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to engaging students in answering inferential questions, how can you monitor the extent to which students elaborate on what was explicitly taught? How can you engage students in answering inferential questions? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 6 Page 57 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 12. Recording and Representing Knowledge The teacher engages students in activities that help them record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or represent the content in nonlinguistic ways. Teacher Evidence Teacher asks students to summarize the information they have learned Teacher asks students to generate notes that identify critical information in the content Teacher asks students to create nonlinguistic representations for new content x Graphic organizers x Pictures x Pictographs x Flow charts Teacher asks students to create mnemonics that organize the content Student Evidence Students’ summaries and notes include critical content Students’ nonlinguistic representations include critical content When asked, students can explain main points of the lesson Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Recording and representing knowledge Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Recording and representing knowledge DOMAIN 1 Developing Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Engages students in activities that help them record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or in nonlinguistic ways and monitors the extent to which this enhances students’ understanding. Engages students in activities that help them record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or in nonlinguistic ways. Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Applicable Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for recording and representing knowledge that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to engaging students in activities that help them record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or in nonlinguistic ways, how can you monitor the extent to which this enhances students’ understanding? How can you engage students in activities that help them record their understanding of new content in linguistic ways and/or in nonlinguistic ways? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 7 Page 58 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 13. Reflecting on Learning The teacher engages students in activities that help them reflect on their learning and the learning process. Teacher Evidence Teacher asks students to state or record what they are clear about and what they are confused about Teacher asks students to state or record how hard they tried Teacher asks students to state or record what they might have done to enhance their learning Student Evidence When asked, students can explain what they are clear about and what they are confused about When asked, students can describe how hard they tried When asked, students can explain what they could have done to enhance their learning Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Reflecting on learning Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Reflecting on learning Innovating What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Engages students in reflecting on their own learning and the learning process and monitors the extent to which students selfassess their understanding and effort. Engages students in reflecting on their own learning and the learning process. Applying How might you adapt and create new strategies for reflecting on learning that address unique student needs and situations? Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Developing Beginning Not Using In addition to engaging students in reflecting on their own learning and the learning process, how can you monitor the extent to which students self-assess their understanding and effort? How can you engage students in reflecting on their own learning and the learning process? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Student Interviews Student Questions: x Why is the information that you are learning today important? x How do you know what are the most important things to pay attention to? x What are the main points of this lesson? DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 8 Page 59 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Design Question #3: What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge? 14. Reviewing Content The teacher engages students in a brief review of content that highlights the critical information. Teacher Evidence Teacher begins the lesson with a brief review of content Teacher uses specific strategies to review information x Summary x Problem that must be solved using previous information x Questions that require a review of content x Demonstration x Brief practice test or exercise Student Evidence When asked, students can describe the previous content on which new lesson is based Student responses to class activities indicate that they recall previous content Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Reviewing content Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Innovating Reviewing content DOMAIN 1 What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Applying Engages students in a brief review of content that highlights the critical information and monitors the extent to which students can recall and describe previous content. Applying How might you adapt and create new strategies for reviewing content that address unique student needs and situations? Beginning Not Using Developing Beginning Engages students in a brief review of content that highlights the critical information. Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Applicable Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Developing Beginning Not Using In addition to, engaging students in a brief review of content, how can you monitor the extent to which students can recall and describe previous content? How can you engage students in a brief review of content that highlights the critical information? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 9 Page 60 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 15. Organizing Students to Practice and Deepen Knowledge The teacher uses grouping in ways that facilitate practicing and deepening knowledge. Teacher Evidence Teacher organizes students into groups with the expressed idea of deepening their knowledge of informational content Teacher organizes students into groups with the expressed idea of practicing a skill, strategy, or process Student Evidence When asked, students explain how the group work supports their learning While in groups students interact in explicit ways to deepen their knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process x Asking each other questions x Obtaining feedback from their peers Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Innovating Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge DOMAIN 1 What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Applying Organizes students into groups to practice and deepen their knowledge and monitors the extent to which the group work extends their learning. Applying How might you adapt and create new strategies for organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge that address unique student needs and situations? Beginning Not Using Developing Organizes students into groups to practice and deepen their knowledge. Developing In addition to organizing students into groups to practice and deepen their knowledge, how can you also monitor the extent to which the group work extends their learning? Lesson Segments Addressing Content Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you organize students into groups to practice and deepen their knowledge? PER0168.4 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Page 10 Page 61 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 16. Using Homework When appropriate (as opposed to routinely) the teacher designs homework to deepen students’ knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process. Teacher Evidence Teacher communicates a clear purpose for homework Teacher extends an activity that was begun in class to provide students with more time Teacher assigns a well crafted homework assignment that allows students to practice and deepen their knowledge independently Student Evidence When asked, students can describe how the homework assignment will deepen their understanding of informational content or, help them practice a skill, strategy, or process Students ask clarifying questions of the homework that help them understand its purpose Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Using homework Innovating DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Applying Developing When appropriate (as opposed to routinely) assigns homework that is designed to deepen knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process and monitors the extent to which students understand the homework. When appropriate (as opposed to routinely) assigns homework that is designed to deepen knowledge of informational content or, practice a skill, strategy, or process. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for assigning homework that address unique student needs and situations? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Using homework Developing Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning In addition to assigning homework that is designed to deepen knowledge of informational content or practice a skill, strategy, or process, how can you also monitor the extent to which the group work extends their learning? Lesson Segments Addressing Content Not Applicable How can you assign homework that is designed to deepen knowledge of informational content or practice a skill, strategy, or process? PER0168.4 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Page 11 Page 62 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 17. Examining Similarities and Differences When the content is informational, the teacher helps students deepen their knowledge by examining similarities and differences. Teacher Evidence Teacher engages students in activities that require students to examine similarities and differences between content x Comparison activities x Classifying activities x Analogy activities x Metaphor activities Teacher facilitates the use of these activities to help students deepen their understanding of content x Ask students to summarize what they have learned from the activity x Ask students to explain how the activity has added to their understanding Student Evidence Student artifacts indicate that their knowledge has been extended as a result of the activity When asked about the activity, student responses indicate that they have deepened their understanding When asked, students can explain similarities and differences Student artifacts indicate that they can identify similarities and differences Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Examining similarities and differences Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Examining similarities and differences DOMAIN 1 Innovating What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Applying Developing When content is informational, engages students in activities that require them to examine similarities and differences, and monitors the extent to which the students are deepening their knowledge. When content is informational, engages students in activities that require them to examine similarities and differences. Applying Developing Beginning Not Using In addition to engaging students in examining similarities and differences, how can you monitor the extent to which the students are deepening their knowledge? How can you engage students in activities that require them to examine similarities and differences? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? How might you adapt and create new strategies for examining similarities and differences that address unique student needs and situations? Lesson Segments Addressing Content Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. PER0168.4 Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Page 12 Page 63 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 18. Examining Errors in Reasoning When content is informational, the teacher helps students deepen their knowledge by examining their own reasoning or the logic of the information as presented to them. Teacher Evidence Teacher asks students to examine information for errors or informal fallacies x Faulty logic x Attacks x Weak reference x Misinformation Teacher asks students to examine the strength of support presented for a claim x Statement of a clear claim x Evidence for the claim presented x Qualifiers presented showing exceptions to the claim Student Evidence When asked, students can describe errors or informal fallacies in information When asked, students can explain the overall structure of an argument presented to support a claim Student artifacts indicate that they can identify errors in reasoning. Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Examining errors in reasoning Innovating DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Applying Developing When content is informational, engages students in activities that require them to examine their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them and monitors the extent to which students are deepening their knowledge. When content is informational, engages students in activities that require them to examine their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for examining their own reasoning or the logic of information that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to engaging students in examining their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them, how can you monitor the extent to which the students are deepening their knowledge? How can you engage students in activities that require them to examine their own reasoning or the logic of information as presented to them? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Examining errors in reasoning Developing Lesson Segments Addressing Content Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. PER0168.4 Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Page 13 Page 64 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 19. Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes When the content involves a skill, strategy, or process, the teacher engages students in practice activities that help them develop fluency. Teacher Evidence Teacher engages students in massed and distributed practice activities that are appropriate to their current ability to execute a skill, strategy, or process x Guided practice if students cannot perform the skill, strategy, or process independently x Independent practice if students can perform the skill, strategy, or process independently Student Evidence Students perform the skill, strategy, or process with increased confidence Students perform the skill, strategy, or process with increased competence Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Practicing skills, strategies, and processes Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Practicing skills, strategies, and processes DOMAIN 1 Developing Applying When content involves a skill, strategy, or process, engages students in practice activities and monitors the extent to which the practice is increasing student fluency. Beginning Not Using Developing When content involves a skill, strategy, or process, engages students in practice activities. Not Applicable Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create practice activities that increase fluency and address unique student needs and situations? In addition to engaging students in practice activities, how can you monitor the extent to which the practice is increasing student fluency? How can you engage students in practice activities when content involves a skill, strategy, or process? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 14 Page 65 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 20. Revising Knowledge The teacher engages students in revision of previous knowledge about content addressed in previous lessons. Teacher Evidence Teacher asks students to examine previous entries in their academic notebooks or notes The teacher engages the whole class in an examination of how the current lesson changed perceptions and understandings of previous content Teacher has students explain how their understanding has changed Student Evidence Students make corrections to information previously recorded about content When asked, students can explain previous errors or misconceptions they had about content Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Revising knowledge Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Revising knowledge Developing Applying Engages students in revision of previous content and monitors the extent to which these revisions deepen students’ understanding. Beginning Not Using Developing Engages students in revision of previous content. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for revising content that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to engaging students in revision of previous content, how can you monitor the extent to which these revisions deepen students’ understanding? Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you engage students in the revision of previous content? Not Using How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Student Interviews Student Questions: x How did this lesson add to your understanding of the content? x What changes did you make in your understanding of the content as a result of the lesson? x What do you still need to understand better? DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 15 Page 66 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Design Question #4: What will I do to help students generate and test hypotheses about new knowledge? 21. Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks The teacher organizes the class in such a way as to facilitate students working on complex tasks that require them to generate and test hypotheses. Teacher Evidence Teacher establishes the need to generate and test hypotheses Teacher organizes students into groups to generate and test hypotheses Student Evidence When asked, students describe the importance of generating and testing hypotheses about content When asked, students explain how groups support their learning Students use group activities to help them generate and test hypotheses Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks DOMAIN 1 Developing Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Organizes students into groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks and monitors the extent to which group processes facilitate generating and testing hypotheses. Organizes students into groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks. Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for organizing students to complete cognitively complex tasks? In addition to organizing students in groups for cognitively complex tasks, how can you monitor the extent to which group processes facilitate generating and testing hypotheses? How can you organize students in groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Lesson Segments Addressing Content PER0168.4 Page 16 Page 67 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 22. Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks Involving Hypothesis Generation and Testing The teacher engages students in complex tasks (e.g. decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, investigation) that require them to generate and test hypotheses. Teacher Evidence Teacher engages students with an explicit decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, or investigation task that requires them to generate and test hypotheses Teacher facilitates students generating their own individual or group task that requires them to generate and test hypotheses Student Evidence Students are clearly working on tasks that require them to generate and test hypotheses When asked, students can explain the hypothesis they are testing When asked, students can explain whether their hypothesis was confirmed or disconfirmed Student artifacts indicate that they can engage in decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, or investigation Scale Levels: (choose one) Not Applicable Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using Scale Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing Innovating Applying Developing Engages students in cognitively complex tasks (e.g. decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, investigation) and monitors the extent to which students are generating and testing hypotheses. Engages students in cognitively complex tasks (e.g. decision making, problem solving, experimental inquiry, investigation). Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for organizing students to complete cognitively complex tasks? In addition to engaging students in groups for cognitively complex tasks, involving hypothesis generation and testing, how can you monitor the extent to which students are generating and testing hypotheses? How can you engage students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Addressing Content Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. PER0168.4 Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Page 17 Page 68 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 23. Providing Resources and Guidance The teacher acts as resource provider and guide as students engage in cognitively complex tasks Teacher Evidence Teacher makes himself/herself available to students who need guidance or resources x Circulates around the room x Provides easy access to himself/herself Teacher interacts with students during the class to determine their needs for hypothesis generation and testing tasks Teacher volunteers resources and guidance as needed by the entire class, groups of students, or individual students Student Evidence Students seek out the teacher for advice and guidance regarding hypothesis generation and testing tasks When asked, students can explain how the teacher provides assistance and guidance in hypothesis generation and testing tasks Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Innovating Providing resources and guidance Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Innovating Providing resources and guidance What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Beginning Applying Developing Acts as a guide and resource provider as students engage in cognitively complex tasks and monitors the extent to which students request and use guidance and resources. Acts as a guide and resource provider as students engage in cognitively complex tasks. Applying How might you adapt and create new strategies for providing resources and guidance? Not Using Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Applicable Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Developing Beginning Not Using In addition to acting as a guide and resource provider, how can you monitor the extent to which students request and use guidance and resources? How can you act as a guide and resource provider as students engage in cognitively complex tasks? How can you begin to incorporate some aspect of this strategy in your instruction? Student Interviews Student Questions: x How did this lesson help you apply or use what you have learned? x What change has this lesson made about your understanding of the content? _________________________________ Observer Date _______________________________ Teacher Date Page 69 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: Design Question #5: What will I do to engage students? 24. Noticing when Students are Not Engaged The teacher scans the room making note of when students are not engaged and takes overt action. Teacher Evidence Teacher notices when specific students or groups of students are not engaged Teacher notices when the energy level in the room is low Teacher takes action to re-engage students Student Evidence Students appear aware of the fact that the teacher is taking note of their level of engagement Students try to increase their level of engagement when prompted When asked, students explain that the teacher expects high levels of engagement Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Noticing when students are not engaged Innovating DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Developing Scans the room making note of when students are not engaged and takes action and monitors the extent to which students re-engage. Scans the room making note of when students are not engaged and takes action. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for noticing when students are not engaged that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to scanning the room, making note of when students are not engaged and taking action, how can you monitor the extent to which students reengage? How can you scan the room making note of when students are not engaged and take action to engage students? How can you begin to incorporate some aspects of this strategy into your instruction? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Beginning Not Applicable Applying Reflection Questions Noticing when students are not engaged Developing Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. PER0168.5 Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Page 1 Page 70 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 25. Using Academic Games The teacher uses academic games and inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement. Teacher Evidence Teacher uses structured games such as Jeopardy, family feud, and the like Teacher develops impromptu games such as making a game out of which answer might be correct for a given question Teacher uses friendly competition along with classroom games Student Evidence Students engage in the games with some enthusiasm When asked, students can explain how the games keep their interest and help them learn or remember content Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Using academic games Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Using academic games DOMAIN 1 Developing Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Uses academic games and inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement and monitors the extent to which students focus on the academic content of the game. Uses academic games and inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement. Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Applicable Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for using academic games and inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to using academic games and inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement, how can you monitor the extent to which students focus on the academic content of the game? How can you use academic games and inconsequential competition to maintain student engagement? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 2 Page 71 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 26. Managing Response Rates The teacher uses response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions. Teacher Evidence Teacher uses wait time Teacher uses response cards Teacher has students use hand signals to respond to questions Teacher uses choral response Teacher uses technology to keep track of students’ responses Teacher uses response chaining Student Evidence Multiple students or the entire class responds to questions posed by the teacher When asked, students can describe their thinking about specific questions posed by the teacher Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Managing response rates Innovating DOMAIN 1 Applying Beginning Not Using Developing Uses response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions and monitors the extent to which the techniques keep students engaged. Uses response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to using response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions, how can you monitor the extent to which the techniques keep students engaged? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Managing response rates Developing Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you use response rate techniques to maintain student engagement in questions? PER0168.5 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Page 3 Page 72 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 27. Using Physical Movement The teacher uses physical movement to maintain student engagement. Teacher Evidence Teacher has students stand up and stretch or related activities when their energy is low Teacher uses activities that require students to physically move to respond to questions x Vote with your feet x Go to the part of the room that represents the answer you agree with Teacher has students physically act out or model content to increase energy and engagement Teacher use give-one-get-one activities that require students to move about the room Student Evidence Students engage in the physical activities designed by the teacher When asked, students can explain how the physical movement keeps their interest and helps them learn Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Using physical movement Innovating DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Applying Developing Uses physical movement to maintain student engagement and monitors the extent to which these activities enhance student engagement. Uses physical movement to maintain student engagement. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new physical movement techniques to maintain student engagement that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to using physical movement to maintain student engagement, how can you monitor the extent to which these activities enhance student engagement? How can you use physical movement to maintain student engagement? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Using physical movement Developing Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. PER0168.5 Page 4 Page 73 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 28. Maintaining a Lively Pace The teacher uses pacing techniques to maintain students’ engagement. Teacher Evidence Teacher employs crisp transitions from one activity to another Teacher alters pace appropriately (i.e. speeds up and slows down) Student Evidence Students quickly adapt to transitions and re-engage when a new activity is begun When asked about the pace of the class, students describe it as not too fast or not too slow Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Maintaining a lively pace Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Maintaining a lively pace DOMAIN 1 Developing Applying Uses pacing techniques to maintain students’ engagement and monitors the extent to which these techniques keep students engaged. Innovating Applying What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new pacing techniques that address unique student needs and situations? Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Developing Beginning Not Using Uses pacing techniques to maintain students’ engagement. Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Developing Beginning In addition to pacing techniques to maintain students’ engagement, how can you monitor the extent to which students keep engaged? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot How can you use pacing techniques to maintain students’ engagement? PER0168.5 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Page 5 Page 74 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 29. Demonstrating Intensity and Enthusiasm The teacher demonstrates intensity and enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways. Teacher Evidence Teacher describes personal experiences that relate to the content Teacher signals excitement for content by: x Physical gestures x Voice tone x Dramatization of information Teacher overtly adjusts energy level Student Evidence When asked, students say that the teacher “likes the content” and “likes teaching” Students’ attention levels increase when the teacher demonstrates enthusiasm and intensity for the content Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm Innovating DOMAIN 1 Applying Beginning Not Using Developing Demonstrates intensity and enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways and monitors the extent to which students’ engagement increases. Demonstrates intensity and enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new techniques for demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm for the content that address unique student needs and situations? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm Developing In addition to demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways, how can you monitor the extent to which students keep engaged? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Applicable Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning Not Using How can you demonstrate intensity and enthusiasm for the content in a variety of ways? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? PER0168.5 Page 6 Page 75 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 30. Using Friendly Controversy The teacher uses friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement. Teacher Evidence Teacher structures mini-debates about the content Teacher has students examine multiple perspectives and opinions about the content Teacher elicits different opinions on content from members of the class Student Evidence Students engage in friendly controversy activities with enhanced engagement When asked, students describe friendly controversy activities as “stimulating,” “fun,” and so on. When asked, students explain how a friendly controversy activity helped them better understand the content Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Using friendly controversy Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Using friendly controversy DOMAIN 1 Developing Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Uses friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement and monitors the effect on students’ engagement. Uses friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement. Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new techniques for using friendly controversy to maintain student engagement that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to using friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement, how can you monitor the extent to which students keep engaged? How can you use friendly controversy techniques to maintain student engagement? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 7 Page 76 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 31. Providing Opportunities for Students to Talk about Themselves The teacher provides students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests. Teacher Evidence Teacher is aware of student interests and makes connections between these interests and class content Teacher structures activities that ask students to make connections between the content and their personal interests When students are explaining how content relates to their personal interests, the teacher appears encouraging and interested Student Evidence Students engage in activities that require them to make connections between their personal interests and the content When asked, students explain how making connections between content and their personal interests engages them and helps them better understand the content Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using Not Applicable Scale Innovating Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves Applying Developing Provides students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests and monitors the extent to which these activities enhance student engagement. Provides students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new techniques for providing students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to providing students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests, how can you monitor the extent to which these activities enhance student engagement? How can you provide students with opportunities to relate what is being addressed in class to their personal interests? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Reflection Questions Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 8 Page 77 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 32. Presenting Unusual or Intriguing Information The teacher uses unusual or intriguing information about the content in a manner that enhances student engagement. Teacher Evidence Teacher systematically provides interesting facts and details about the content Teacher encourages students to identify interesting information about the content Teacher engages students in activities like “Believe it or not” about the content Teacher uses guest speakers to provide unusual information about the content Student Evidence Students’ attention increases when unusual information is presented about the content When asked, students explain how the unusual information makes them more interested in the content Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Innovating Presenting unusual or intriguing information Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Uses unusual or intriguing information about the content and monitors the extent to which this information enhances students’ interest in the content. Uses unusual or intriguing information about the content. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new techniques for using unusual or intriguing information about the content that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to using unusual or intriguing information about the content, how can you monitor the extent to which this information enhances students’ interest in the content? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Presenting unusual or intriguing information Developing Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you use unusual or intriguing information about the content? Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Student Interviews Student Questions: x x x How engaged were you in this lesson? What are some things that keep your attention? What are some things that made you bored? DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 9 Page 78 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Design Question #7: What will I do to recognize and acknowledge adherence or lack of adherence to rules and procedures? 33. Demonstrating “Withitness” The teacher uses behaviors associated with “withitness” to maintain adherence to rules and procedures. Teacher Evidence Teacher physically occupies all quadrants of the room Teacher scans the entire room making eye contact with all students Teacher recognizes potential sources of disruption and deals with them immediately Teacher proactively addresses inflammatory situations Student Evidence Students recognize that the teacher is aware of their behavior When asked, students describe the teacher as “aware of what is going on” or “has eyes on the back of his/her head” Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Demonstrating “withitness” Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Demonstrating “withitness” DOMAIN 1 Developing Applying Uses behaviors associated with “withitness” and monitors the effect on students’ behavior. Beginning Not Using Developing Uses behaviors associated with “withitness”. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new techniques for using behaviors associated with “withitness” that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to, using behaviors associated with “withitness,” how can you monitor the effect on students’ behavior? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you use behaviors associated with “withitness”? PER0168.5 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Page 10 Page 79 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 34. Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures The teacher applies consequences for not following rules and procedures consistently and fairly. Teacher Evidence Teacher provides nonverbal signals when students’ behavior is not appropriate x Eye contact x Proximity x Tap on the desk x Shaking head, no Teacher provides verbal signals when students’ behavior is not appropriate x Tells students to stop x Tells students that their behavior is in violation of a rule or procedure Teacher uses group contingency consequences when appropriate (i.e. whole group must demonstrate a specific behavior) Teacher involves the home when appropriate (i.e. makes a call home to parents to help extinguish inappropriate behavior) Teacher uses direct cost consequences when appropriate (e.g. student must fix something he or she has broken) Student Evidence Students cease inappropriate behavior when signaled by the teacher Students accept consequences as part of the way class is conducted When asked, students describe the teacher as fair in application of rules Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Applying consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Applying consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures DOMAIN 1 Developing Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Applies consequences for not following rules and procedures consistently and fairly and monitors the extent to which rules and procedures are followed. Applies consequences for not following rules and procedures consistently and fairly. Not Applicable Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies and techniques for applying consequences for not following rules and procedures consistently and fairly that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to, applying consequences for not following rules and procedures consistently and fairly, how can you monitor the extent to which rules and procedures are followed? How can you apply consequences for not following rules and procedures consistently and fairly? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 11 Page 80 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 35. Acknowledging Adherence to Rules and Procedures The teacher consistently and fairly acknowledges adherence to rules and procedures. Teacher Evidence Teacher provides nonverbal signals that a rule or procedure has been followed: x Smile x Nod of head x High Five Teacher gives verbal cues that a rule or procedure has been followed: x Thanks students for following a rule or procedure x Describes student behaviors that adhere to rule or procedure Teacher notifies the home when a rule or procedure has been followed Teacher uses tangible recognition when a rule or procedure has been followed: x Certificate of merit x Token economies Student Evidence Students appear appreciative of the teacher acknowledging their positive behavior When asked, students describe teacher as appreciative of their good behavior The number of students adhering to rules and procedures increases Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using Scale Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures Innovating Applying Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Acknowledges adherence to rules and procedures consistently and fairly and monitors the extent to which new actions affect students’ behavior. Acknowledges adherence to rules and procedures consistently and fairly. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies and techniques for acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures consistently and fairly that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to, acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures consistently and fairly, how can you monitor the extent to which new actions affect students’ behavior? How can you acknowledge adherence to rules and procedures consistently and fairly? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Reflection Questions Acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures Developing Not Applicable Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Student Interviews Student Questions: x How well did you do at following classroom rules and procedures during this lesson? x What are some things that helped you follow the rules and procedures? x What are some things that didn’t help you follow the rules and procedures? DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 12 Page 81 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Design Question #8: What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students? 36. Understanding Students’ Interests and Background The teacher uses students’ interests and background to produce a climate of acceptance and community. Teacher Evidence Teacher has side discussions with students about events in their lives Teacher has discussions with students about topics in which they are interested Teacher builds student interests into lessons Student Evidence When asked, students describe the teacher as someone who knows them and/or is interested in them Students respond when teacher demonstrates understanding of their interests and background When asked students say they feel accepted Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Not Using Not Applicable Innovating Applying Developing Uses students’ interests and background during interactions with students and monitors the sense of community in the classroom. Uses students’ interests and background during interactions with students. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies and techniques for using students’ interests and backgrounds during interactions with students that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to using students’ interests and background during interactions with students, how can you monitor the extent to which a sense of community is formed in the classroom? How can you use students’ interests and background during interactions with students? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Reflection Questions DOMAIN 1 Beginning Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Understanding students’ interests and background Understanding students’ interests and background Developing Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. PER0168.5 Page 13 Page 82 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 37. Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students When appropriate, the teacher uses verbal and nonverbal behavior that indicates caring for students. Teacher Evidence Teacher compliments students regarding academic and personal accomplishments Teacher engages in informal conversations with students that are not related to academics Teacher uses humor with students when appropriate Teacher smiles, nods, (etc) at students when appropriate Teacher puts hand on students’ shoulders when appropriate Student Evidence When asked, students describe teacher as someone who cares for them Students respond to teachers verbal interactions Students respond to teachers nonverbal interactions Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate caring for students Innovating DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Applying Developing Uses verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate caring for students and monitors the quality of relationships in the classroom. Uses verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate caring for students. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies and techniques for using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate caring for students that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate caring for students how can you monitor the quality of relationships in the classroom? Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Using verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate caring for students Developing Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning How can you use verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate caring for students? PER0168.5 Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Page 14 Page 83 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 38. Displaying Objectivity and Control The teacher behaves in an objective and controlled manner. Teacher Evidence Teacher does not exhibit extremes in positive or negative emotions Teacher addresses inflammatory issues and events in a calm and controlled manner Teacher interacts with all students in the same calm and controlled fashion Teacher does not demonstrate personal offense at student misbehavior Student Evidence Students are settled by the teacher’s calm demeanor When asked, the students describe the teacher as in control of himself/herself and in control of the class When asked, students say that the teacher does not hold grudges or take things personally Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Displaying emotional objectivity and control Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Displaying emotional objectivity and control Innovating What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? Developing Applying Behaves in an objective and controlled manner and monitors the effect on the classroom climate. Applying How might you adapt and create new strategies and techniques for behaving in an objective and controlled manner that address unique student needs and situations? Beginning Not Using Developing Beginning Behaves in an objective and controlled manner. Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Developing Not Applicable Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Beginning In addition to behaving in an objective and controlled manner, how can you monitor the effect on the classroom climate? How can you behave in an objective and controlled manner? Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Student Interviews Student Questions: x How much did you feel accepted and welcomed in the class today? x What are some things that made you feel accepted and welcomed? x What are some things that did not make you feel accepted and welcomed? DOMAIN 1 Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 15 Page 84 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Design Question #9: What will I do to communicate high expectations for all students? 39. Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students The teacher exhibits behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for low expectancy students. Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can identify the students for whom there have been low expectations and the various ways in which these students have been treated differently from high expectancy students The teacher provides low expectancy with nonverbal indications that they are valued and respected: x Makes eye contact x Smiles x Makes appropriate physical contact The teacher proves low expectancy students with verbal indications that they are valued and respected: x Playful dialogue x Addressing students in a manner they view as respectful Teacher does not allow negative comments about low expectancy students Student Evidence When asked, students say that the teacher cares for all students Students treat each other with respect Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Communicating value and respect for low expectancy students Innovating Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Reflection Questions Communicating value and respect for low expectancy students DOMAIN 1 Developing Applying Exhibits behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for low expectancy students and monitors the impact on low expectancy students. Beginning Not Using Developing Exhibits behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for low expectancy students. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies and techniques for behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for low expectancy students that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to exhibiting behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for low expectancy students, how can you monitor the impact on low expectancy students? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Not Applicable Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Beginning How can you exhibit behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for low expectancy students? PER0168.5 Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Page 16 Page 85 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 40. Asking Questions of Low Expectancy Students The teacher asks questions of low expectancy students with the same frequency and depth as with high expectancy students. Teacher Evidence Teacher makes sure low expectancy students are asked questions at the same rate as high expectancy students Teacher makes sure low expectancy students are asked complex questions at the same rate as high expectancy students Student Evidence When asked, students say the teacher expects everyone to participate When asked, students say the teacher asks difficult questions of every student Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Asking questions of low expectancy students DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Innovating Applying Developing Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Asks questions of low expectancy students with the same frequency and depth with high expectancy students and monitors the quality of participation of low expectancy students. Asks questions of low expectancy students with the same frequency and depth as with high expectancy students. Reflection Questions Asking questions of low expectancy students Developing Not Applicable Beginning Not Using Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Innovating Applying Developing Beginning Not Using What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies and techniques for asking questions of low expectancy students that address unique student needs and situations? In addition to asking questions of low expectancy students with the same frequency and depth as with high expectancy students, how can you monitor the quality of participation of low expectancy students? How can you ask questions of low expectancy students with the same frequency and depth as with high expectancy students? How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 17 Page 86 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 41. Probing Incorrect Answers with Low Expectancy Students The teacher probes incorrect answers of low expectancy students in the same manner as he/she does with high expectancy students. Teacher Evidence Teacher asks low expectancy students to further explain their answers when they are incorrect Teacher rephrases questions for low expectancy students when they provide an incorrect answer Teacher breaks a question into smaller and simpler parts when a low expectancy student answers a question incorrectly When low expectancy students demonstrate frustration, the teacher allows them to collect their thoughts but goes back to them at a later point in time Student Evidence When asked, students say that the teacher won’t “let you off the hook” When asked, students say that the teacher “won’t give up on you” When asked, students say the teacher helps them answer questions successfully Scale Levels: (choose one) Innovating Applying Scale Probing incorrect answers by low expectancy students DOMAIN 1 Beginning Not Using Innovating Applying Developing Adapts and creates new strategies for unique student needs and situations. Probes incorrect answers of low expectancy students in the same manner as with high expectancy students and monitors the level and quality responses of low expectancy students. Probes incorrect answers of low expectancy students in the same manner as with high expectancy students. Innovating Applying Developing What are you learning about your students as you adapt and create new strategies? How might you adapt and create new strategies for probing incorrect answers of low expectancy students in the same manner as with high expectancy students that address their unique student needs and situations? In addition to probing incorrect answers of low expectancy students in the same manner as with high expectancy students, how can you monitor the level and quality responses of low expectancy students? Reflection Questions Probing incorrect answers by low expectancy students Developing Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Not Applicable Beginning Uses strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. Beginning How can you probe incorrect answers of low expectancy students in the same manner as with high expectancy students? PER0168.5 Not Using Strategy was called for but not exhibited. Not Using How can you begin to incorporate this strategy into your instruction? Page 18 Page 87 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Student Interviews Student Questions: x How does your teacher demonstrate that they care and respect you? x How does your teacher communicate that everyone is expected to participate and answer difficult questions? x What are some ways that your teacher helps you answer questions successfully? ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 1 __________________________________ Teacher Date Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot PER0168.5 Page 19 Page 88 Page 89 Period: Subject Area: Room: Post-Observation Conference Date: School Year: ______________________ Name of School: Content Segments DQ2: Interacting with new knowledge DQ3: Practicing and deepening knowledge DQ4: Generating and testing hypotheses Enacted on the Spot Segments DQ5: Student engagement DQ7: Adhering to rules and procedures DQ8: Teacher/student relationships DQ9: High expectations Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Rating Scale After post-observation conversations between observer and teacher, the generic rating scale described below may be used to determine the appropriate rating for each of the elements observed during the lesson in Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors. Innovating (I) Applying (A) Developing (D) Beginning (B) Not Using (NU) Adapts and creates new Engages students in the Engages student in the Uses strategy incorrectly or The strategy was called for strategies for unique student strategy and monitors the strategy with no significant with parts missing but not exhibited needs and situations extent to which it produces errors or omissions the desired outcomes DOMAIN 1 PER0168.6 Page 1 DQ6: Rules and procedures Routine Segments DQ1: Learning goals, tracking student progress, and celebrating success Instructions: 1. During the pre-observation conference, the teacher and the observer discuss the upcoming lesson and identify the focus of the observation by reviewing and discussing Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors (using the learning map). Together, the teacher and the observer identify the lesson segment(s) and elements that will be of most importance for the observation. Check the selected elements within the form. 2. Additionally, both the teacher and the observer should review the specific descriptors in the long form regarding teacher and student evidence in determining the focus of the observation. The observer will seek evidence to assess proficiency on the targeted lesson segments. The observer may also observe other issues and address them in the post-observation conference. 3. During the post-observation conference, the teacher and observer meet to discuss the lesson. The teacher conducts a self-assessment of the elements that were observed. The observer also shares the ratings based on the evidence observed during the observation. The observer and teacher share insights into the events occurring during the observation and work toward agreement regarding the teacher’s rating for the elements observed. The specific sections of the long form could be discussed. 4. At the conclusion of this process, the observer makes a rating decision and records the result. Date and Time of Observation: Pre-Observation Conference Date: Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Form Florida’s Teacher Evaluation System Causal Teacher Evaluation Model Formal Classroom Observation Data School District: _______________________________________ Name of Teacher: Name of Observer: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 90 DQ1 DQ6 DQ2 DQ3 21. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 14. 15. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 6. 7. 4. 5. 2. 3. 1. ROUTINE SEGMENTS Rating Scale Comments Classroom Strategies and Behaviors I A D B NU DQ1: What will do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress and celebrate success? Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales to Measures those Goals Tracking Student Progress Celebrating Student Success DQ6: What will I do to establish or maintain classroom routines and procedures? Establishing Classroom Routines Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom for Learning CONTENT SEGMENTS Rating Scale Comments Classroom Strategies and Behaviors I A D B NU DQ2: What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge? Identifying Critical Information Organizing Students to Interact with New Knowledge Previewing New Content Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites” Processing of New Information Elaborating on New Information Recording and Representing Knowledge Reflecting on Learning DQ3: What will I do to help students deepen and practice their understanding of new knowledge? Reviewing Content Organizing Students to Practice and Deepen Knowledge Using Homework Examining Similarities and Differences Examining Errors in Reasoning Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes Revising Knowledge DQ4: What will I do to help students generate and test hypotheses about new knowledge? Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 91 DQ5 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DOMAIN 1 41. Probing Incorrect Answers with Low Expectancy Students 39. Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students 40. Asking Questions of Low Expectancy Students PER0168.6 Page 3 22. Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks Involving Hypothesis Generating and Testing 23. Providing Resources and Guidance ENACTED ON THE SPOT SEGMENTS Rating Scale Comments Classroom Strategies and Behaviors I A D B NU DQ5: What will I do to engage students? 24. Noticing when Students are Not Engaged 25. Using Academic Games 26. Managing Response Rates 27. Using Physical Movement 28. Maintaining a Lively Pace 29. Demonstrating Intensity and Enthusiasm 30. Using Friendly Controversy 31. Providing Opportunities for Students to Talk about Themselves 32. Presenting Unusual or Intriguing Information DQ7: What will I do to recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures? 33. Demonstrating “”Withitness” 34. Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures 35. Acknowledging Adherence or Rules and Procedures DQ8: What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students? 36. Understanding Students’ Interests and Backgrounds 37. Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students 38. Displaying Objectivity and Control DQ9: What will I do to communicate high expectations for all students? THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 92 Date Signature of Observer Date DOMAIN 1 PER0168.6 Page 4 A copy of the completed and signed observation report, along with any attachments, should be submitted to: ________________________________ by____________ Note: The teacher should sign the observation form at the post observation conference. The teacher’s signature does not indicate agreement with the observation but rather awareness of the content. Signature of Teacher Additional Comments: Where teacher and observer do not have consensus on a proficiency level for any of the elements observed after initial discussion, they will continue the discussion based on the scales in the long form. The final rating of elements observed and discussed regarding this formal observation will be the rating the parties agreed upon at the post-observation conference. Scales representing levels of performance on each of the 41 elements in Domain 1 can be found in the long form. These rating scales provide specific descriptions relative to a particular element. Where no agreement is reached in the conference, the observer will make a final rating assessment after discussion based on scales in the long form. Reaching a Rating Decision: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Teacher Evaluation Model: Domain 2 Planning and Preparing (Short Form) Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: The teacher plans for clear goals and identifies them in the plan; he or she describes methods for tracking student progress and measuring success Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 42. Effective Scaffolding of Information within Lessons Within lessons, the teacher prepares and plans the organization of content in such a way that each new piece of information builds on the previous piece. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 43. Lessons within Units Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable The teacher organizes lessons within units to progress toward a deep understanding of content. 44. Attention to Established Content Standards The teacher ensures that lesson and unit plans are aligned with established content standards identified by the district and the manner in which that content should be sequenced. DOMAIN 2 Planning and Preparing (Short Form) Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable PER0169.1 Page 1 Page 93 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Planning and Preparing for Use of Resources and Technology 45. Use of Available Traditional Resources The teacher identifies the available traditional resources (materials and human) for upcoming units and lessons. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 46. Use of Available Technology The teacher identifies the use of available technology that can enhance students’ understanding of content in a lesson or unit. DOMAIN 2 Planning and Preparing (Short Form) Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable PER0169.1 Page 2 Page 94 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Planning and Preparing for Special Needs of Students 47. Needs of English Language Learners The teacher provides for the needs of English Language Learners (ELL) by identifying the adaptations that must be made within a lesson or unit. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 48. Needs of Special Education Students The teacher identifies the needs of special education students by providing accommodations and modifications that must be made for specific special education students. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 49. Needs of Students Who Lack Support for Schooling The teacher identifies the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable ___________________________________ Observer Date ___________________________________ Teacher Date DOMAIN 2 PER0169.1 Planning and Preparing (Short Form) Page 3 Page 95 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Teacher Evaluation Model: Domain 2 Planning and Preparing Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: The teacher plans for clear goals and identifies them in the plan; he or she describes methods for tracking student progress and measuring success Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 42. Effective Scaffolding of Information within Lessons Within lessons, the teacher prepares and plans the organization of content in such a way that each new piece of information builds on the previous piece. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Planning Evidence Content is organized to build upon previous information Presentation of content is logical and progresses from simple to complex Where appropriate, presentation of content is integrated with other content areas, other lessons and/or units The plan anticipates potential confusions that students may experience Scale Effective Scaffolding of Information within Lessons DOMAIN 2 Innovating The teacher is recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying Within lessons the teacher organizes content in such a way that each new piece of information clearly builds on the previous piece Planning and Preparing Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can describe the rationale for how the content is organized When asked, the teacher can describe the rationale for the sequence of instruction When asked, the teacher can describe how content is related to previous lessons, units or other content When asked, the teacher can describe possible confusions that may impact the lesson or unit Developing The teacher scaffolds the information but the relationship between the content is not clear PER0169.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 1 Page 96 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 43. Lessons within Units The teacher organizes lessons within units to progress toward a deep understanding of content. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Planning Evidence Plans illustrate how learning will move from an understanding of foundational content to application of information in authentic ways Plans incorporate student choice and initiative Plans provide for extension of learning Scale Lessons within Units DOMAIN 2 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher organizes lessons within a unit so that students move from an understandin g to applying the content through authentic tasks Planning and Preparing Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can describe how lessons within the unit progress toward deep understanding and transfer of content When asked, the teacher can describe how students will make choices and take initiative When asked, the teacher can describe how learning will be extended Developing The teacher organizes lessons within a unit so that students move from surface level to deeper understandin g of content but does not require students to apply the content in authentic ways PER0169.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 2 Page 97 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 44. Attention to Established Content Standards The teacher ensures that lesson and unit plans are aligned with established content standards identified by the district and the manner in which that content should be sequenced. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Planning Evidence Lesson and unit plans include important content identified by the district (scope) Lesson and unit plans include the appropriate manner in which materials should be taught (sequence) as identified by the district Scale Attention to Established Content Standards DOMAIN 2 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher ensures that lessons and units include the important content identified by the district and the manner in which that content should be sequenced Planning and Preparing Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can identify or reference the important content (scope) identified by the district When asked, the teacher can describe the sequence of the content to be taught as identified by the district Developing The teacher ensures that lessons and units include the important content identified by the district but does not address the appropriate sequencing of content PER0169.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 3 Page 98 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Planning and Preparing for Use of Resources and Technology 45. Use of Available Traditional Resources The teacher identifies the available traditional resources (materials and human) for upcoming units and lessons. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Planning Evidence The plan outlines resources within the classroom that will be used to enhance students’ understanding of the content The plan outlines resources within the school that will be used enhance students’ understanding of the content The plan outlines resources within the community that will be used to enhance students’ understanding of the content Scale Use of Available Traditional Resources DOMAIN 2 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher identifies the available traditional resources that can enhance student understandin g and the manner in which they will be used Planning and Preparing Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can describe the resources within the classroom that will be used to enhance students’ understanding of the content When asked, the teacher can describe resources within the school that will be used to enhance students’ understanding of the content When asked, the teacher can describe resources within the community that will be used to enhance students’ understanding of the content Developing The teacher identifies the available traditional resources that can enhance student understandin g but does not identify the manner in which they will be used PER0169.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 4 Page 99 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 46. Use of Available Technology The teacher identifies the use of available technology that can enhance students’ understanding of content in a lesson or unit. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Planning Evidence Teacher Evidence The plan identifies available technology that will be used: x Interactive whiteboards x Response systems x Voting technologies x One-to-one computers x Social networking sites x Blogs x Wikis x Discussion Boards When asked, the teacher can describe the technology that will be used When asked, the teacher can articulate how the technology will be used to enhance student learning The plan identifies how the technology will be used to enhance student learning Scale Use of Available Technology DOMAIN 2 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher identifies the available technologies that can enhance student understandin g and the manner in which they will be used Planning and Preparing Developing The teacher identifies the available technologies that can enhance student understandin g but does not identify the manner in which they will be used PER0169.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 5 Page 100 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Planning and Preparing for the Needs of English Language Learners 47. Needs of English Language Learners The teacher provides for the needs of English Language Learners (ELL) by identifying the adaptations that must be made within a lesson or unit. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Planning Evidence The plan identifies the accommodations that must be made for individual ELL students or groups within a lesson The plan identifies the adaptations that must be made for individual ELL students or groups within a unit of instruction Scale Needs of English Language Learners DOMAIN 2 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher identifies the needs of English Language Learners and the adaptations that will be made to meet these needs Planning and Preparing Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can describe the accommodations that must be made for individual ELL students or groups of students within a lesson When asked, the teacher can describe the adaptations that must be made for individual ELL students or groups of students within a unit of instruction Developing The teacher identifies the needs of English Language Learners but does not articulate the adaptations that will be made to meet these needs PER0169.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 6 Page 101 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Planning and Preparing for Needs of Students Receiving Special Education 48. Needs of Students Receiving Special Education The teacher identifies the needs of students receiving special education by providing accommodations and modifications that must be made for specific students receiving special education. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Planning Evidence The plan describes accommodations and modifications that must be made for individual students receiving special education or groups of students according to the Individualized Education Program (IEP)for a lesson The plan describes the accommodations and modifications that must be made for individual students receiving special education or groups of students according to the IEP for a unit of instruction Scale Needs of Students Receiving Special Education DOMAIN 2 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher identifies the needs of students receiving special education and the accommodati ons and modifications that will be made to meet these needs Planning and Preparing Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can describe the specific accommodations that must be made for individual students receiving special education or groups of students according to their IEP for a lesson When asked, the teacher can describe the specific accommodations and modifications that must be made for individual students receiving special education or groups of students according to their IEP for a unit of instruction Developing The teacher identifies the needs of students receiving special education but does not articulate the accommodati ons or modifications that will be made to meet these needs PER0169.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 7 Page 102 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Planning and Preparing for Needs of Students Who Lack Support for Schooling 49. Needs of Students Who Lack Support for Schooling The teacher identifies the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence When asked, the teacher can articulate how the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling will be addressed When asked, the teacher can articulate the ways in which the students’ family resources will be addressed when assigning homework When asked, the teacher can articulate the ways in which communication with the home will take into consideration family and language resources Planning Evidence The plan provides for the needs of students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling When assigning homework, the teacher takes into consideration the students’ family resources When communicating with the home, the teacher takes into consideration family and language resources Scale Needs of Students Who Lack Support for Schooling Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher identifies the needs of students who lack support for schooling and the adaptations that will be made to meet these needs ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 2 Planning and Preparing Developing The teacher identifies the needs of students who lack support for schooling but does not articulate the adaptations that will be made to meet these needs Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity ___________________________________ Teacher Date PER0169.2 Page 8 Page 103 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Domain 2: Planning Conference Structured Interview Form A Name of Teacher:______________________ Name of Observer:_____________________ School Site: _____________________________________ Planning Conference Date: ____ Observation Date:_____ Reflection Conference Date: _____ Instructions: Please attach your lesson plan, assessments, scoring guides, and/or rubrics to this document. Please be prepared to discuss the following questions in preparation for the planning conference Classroom Demographics Briefly describe the students in your classroom (e.g. number of students, gender, special needs etc.) Answer: Routine Events 1. What will you do to establish learning goals, track student progress and celebrate success for this lesson? Answer: 2. What will you do to establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures for this lesson? Answer: Content Please consider the following questions as appropriate for the lesson being observed 3. What will you do to 4. What will you do to 5. What will I do to help help students help students practice students generate effectively interact with new knowledge? and test hypothesis new knowledge? about new knowledge? Answer: DOMAIN 2 Planning Conference Structured Interview Form A PER0169.3 Page 1 Page 104 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Enacted on the Spot 6. What will you do to engage students in the lesson? Answer: 7. What will I do to recognize and acknowledge lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures? Answer: 8. What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students during this lesson? Answer: 9. What will I do to communicate high expectations to students within the lesson? Answer: 10. How will this lesson be organized as part of a cohesive unit? Answer: ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 2 ___________________________________ Teacher Date Planning Conference Structured Interview Form A PER0169.3 Page 2 Page 105 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM DOMAIN 2: Planning Conference Structured Interview Form B Name of Teacher:______________________ Name of Observer:_____________________ School Site: _____________________________________ Planning Conference Date: ____ Observation Date: ____ Reflection Conference Date: ____ Instructions: Please attach your lesson plan, assessments, scoring guides, and/or rubrics to this document. Please be prepared to discuss the following questions in preparation for the planning conference Classroom Demographics 1. Briefly describe the students in your classroom (e.g., number of students, gender, special needs, etc.) Answer: Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 2. How will you scaffold the content within the lesson? Please describe: x the rationale for how the content of the lesson is organized x the rationale for the sequence of instruction x how the content is related to previous lessons, units or other content x possible confusions that may impact the lesson Answer: 3. How does this lesson progress within the unit over time? Please describe: x how lessons within the unit progress toward deep understanding and transfer of content x describe how students will make choices and take initiative x how learning will be extended Answer: Page 106 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM DOMAIN 2 Planning Conference Structured Interview Form B PER0169.4 Page 1 4. How will you align this lesson with established content standards identified by the district and the manner in which that content should be sequenced? Please describe: x important content (scope) identified by the district x sequence of the content to be taught as identified by the district Answer: Planning and Preparing for Use of Resources and Technology 5. How will the resources and materials that you select be used to enhance students’ understanding of the content? Please describe the resources that will be used: x traditional resources x technology Answer: Planning and Preparing for the Special Needs of Students 6. How do you plan to address the special needs of your students to include special education students, ELL students and students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling? Please describe: x specific accommodations that will be made Answer: ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 2 ___________________________________ Teacher Date Planning Conference Structured Interview Form B PER0169.4 Page 2 ***END OF APPENDIX F: DOMAIN 2 OBSERVATION FORMS*** Page 107 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Art and Science of Teaching Teacher Evaluation Framework DOMAIN 3: Reflection Conference Structured Interview Form A Name of Teacher:______________________ Name of Observer:_____________________ School Site: _____________________________________ Planning Conference Date: ____ Observation Date: ____ Reflection Conference Date: ____ Instructions: Please bring student work, assessments, scoring guides, and/or rubrics to the reflection conference and be prepared to discuss the following questions General Reflection Overall, how do you think the lesson went and why? Answer: Routine Events 1. In what ways did students meet or not meet the learning goals you established for this lesson? How did your assessments inform your understanding of student learning? Answer: 2. To what extent did the organization of your classroom (room arrangement, materials) and your rules and procedures maximize student learning? Answer: Content 3. How did the strategies you used to introduce new content to students support student learning? Answer: 4. How did the strategies you used to help students deepen and practice their understanding of new knowledge support student learning? Answer: 5. How did the strategies you used to help students generate and test hypotheses about new knowledge support student learning? Answer: Page 108 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Enacted on the Spot 6. Which techniques for engaging students were most successful? Which techniques were not successful? Answer: 7. How did the use of positive and negative consequences impact student adherence or lack of adherence to rules and procedures? Answer: 8. What specific actions did you take during this lesson to build student relationships with your students? What impact did these actions have on your relationships with students? Answer: 9. What specific actions did you take to communicate high expectations for students? How did these impact students learning? Answer: 10. How will this lesson inform changes to your instructional plan? Answer: ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 3 ___________________________________ Teacher Date Reflection Conference Structured Interview Form A PER0169.5 Page 2 Page 109 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Teacher Evaluation Model: Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching (Short Form) Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: Evaluating Personal Performance 50. Identifying Areas of Pedagogical Strength and Weakness The teacher identifies specific strategies and behaviors on which to improve from Domain 1 (routine lesson segments, content lesson segments and segments that are enacted on the spot). Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 51. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Individual Lessons and Units The teacher determines how effective a lesson or unit of instruction was in terms of enhancing student achievement and identifies causes of success or difficulty. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 52. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Specific Pedagogical Strategies and Behaviors The teacher determines the effectiveness of specific instructional techniques regarding the achievement of subgroups of students and identifies specific reasons for discrepancies. DOMAIN 3 Reflecting on Teaching (Short Form) Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable PER0170.1 Page 1 Page 110 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Developing and Implementing a Professional Growth Plan 53. Developing a Written Growth and Development Plan The teacher develops a written professional growth and development plan with specific and measureable goals, action steps, manageable timelines and appropriate resources. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 54. Monitoring Progress Relative to the Professional Growth and Development Plan The teacher charts his or her progress toward goals using established action plans, milestones and timelines. ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 3 Reflecting on Teaching (Short Form) Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable ___________________________________ Teacher Date PER0170.1 Page 2 Page 111 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Teacher Evaluation Model: Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: Evaluating Personal Performance 50. Identifying Areas of Pedagogical Strength and Weakness The teacher identifies specific strategies and behaviors on which to improve from Domain 1 (routine lesson segments, content lesson segments and segments that are enacted on the spot). Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher identifies specific areas of strengths and weaknesses within Domain 1 The teacher keeps track of specifically identified focus areas for improvement within Domain 1 The teacher identifies and keeps track of specific areas identified based on teacher interest within Domain 1 When asked, the teacher can describe how specific areas for improvement are identified within Domain 1 Scale Identifying Areas of Pedagogical Strength and Weakness DOMAIN 3 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher identifies specific strategies and behaviors on which to improve from routine lesson segments, content lesson segments and segments that are enacted on the spot Reflecting on Teaching Developing The teacher identifies specific strategies and behaviors on which to improve but does not select the strategies and behaviors that are most useful for his or her development PER0170.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 1 Page 112 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 51. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Individual Lessons and Units The teacher determines how effective a lesson or unit of instruction was in terms of enhancing student achievement and identifies causes of success or difficulty. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher gathers and keeps records of his or her evaluations of individual lessons and units When asked, the teacher can explain the strengths and weaknesses of specific lessons and units When asked, the teacher can explain the alignment of the assessment tasks and the learning goals When asked, the teacher can explain how the assessment tasks help track student progress toward the learning goals Scale Evaluating the Effectiveness of Individual Lessons and Units DOMAIN 3 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher determines how effective a lesson or unit was in terms of enhancing student achievement and identifies specific causes of success or difficulty and uses this analysis when making instructional decisions Reflecting on Teaching Developing The teacher determines how effective a lesson or unit was in terms of enhancing student achievement but does not accurately identify causes of success or difficulty PER0170.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 2 Page 113 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 52. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Specific Pedagogical Strategies and Behaviors The teacher determines the effectiveness of specific instructional techniques regarding the achievement of subgroups of students and identifies specific reasons for discrepancies. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher gathers and keeps evidence of the effects of specific classroom strategies and behaviors on specific categories of students (i.e., different socio-economic groups, different ethnic groups) The teacher provides a written analysis of specific causes of success or difficulty When asked, the teacher can explain the differential effects of specific classroom strategies and behaviors on specific categories of students Scale Evaluating the Effectiveness of Specific Pedagogical Strategies and Behaviors DOMAIN 3 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher determines the effectiveness of specific strategies and behaviors regarding the achievement of subgroups of students and identifies the reasons for discrepancies Reflecting on Teaching Developing The teacher determines the effectiveness of specific strategies and behaviors regarding the achievement of subgroups of students but does not accurately identify the reasons for discrepancies PER0170.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 3 Page 114 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Developing and Implementing a Professional Growth Plan 53. Developing a Written Growth and Development Plan The teacher develops a written professional growth and development plan with specific and measureable goals, action steps, manageable timelines and appropriate resources. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher constructs a growth plan that outlines measurable goals, action steps, manageable timelines and appropriate resources When asked, the teacher can describe the professional growth plan using specific and measurable goals, action steps, manageable timelines and appropriate resources Scale Developing a Written Growth and Development Plan DOMAIN 3 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher develops a written professional growth and development plan with clear and measurable goals, actions steps, timelines and resources Reflecting on Teaching Developing The teacher develops a written professional growth and development plan but does not articulate clear and measurable goals, action steps, timelines and appropriate resources PER0170.2 Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 4 Page 115 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 54. Monitoring Progress Relative to the Professional Growth and Development Plan The teacher charts his or her progress toward goals using established action plans, milestones and timelines. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher constructs a plan that outlines a method for charting progress toward established goals supported by evidence (e.g., student achievement data, student work, student interviews, peer, self and observer feedback) When asked, the teacher can describe progress toward meeting the goals outlined in the plan supported by evidence (e.g., student achievement data, student work, student interviews, peer, self and observer feedback) Scale Monitoring Progress Relative to the Professional Growth and Development Plan Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher charts his or her progress on the professional growth and development plan using established milestones and timelines and makes modifications or adaptations as needed ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 3 Reflecting on Teaching Developing The teacher charts his or her progress on the professional growth and development plan using established milestones and timelines but does not make modifications or adaptations as needed Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity ___________________________________ Teacher Date PER0170.2 Page 5 Page 116 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM A Teacher Evaluation Model: Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism (Short Form) Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: Promoting a Positive Environment 55. Promoting Positive Interactions with Colleagues The teacher interacts with other teachers in a positive manner to promote and support student learning. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 56. Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents The teacher interacts with students and parents in a positive manner to foster learning and promote Innovating (4) positive home/school relationships. Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies 57. Seeking Mentorship for Areas of Need or Interest The teacher seeks help and input from colleagues regarding specific classroom strategies and Innovating (4) behaviors. Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable 58. Mentoring Other Teachers and Sharing Ideas and Strategies The teacher provides other teachers with help and input regarding specific classroom strategies and behaviors. DOMAIN 4 Collegiality and Professionalism (Short Form) Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable PER0170.1 Page 1 Page 117 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Promoting District and School Development 59. Adhering to District and School Rules and Procedures Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable The teacher is aware of the district’s and school’s rules and procedures and adheres to them. 60. Participating in District and School Initiatives The teacher is aware of the district’s and school’s initiatives and participates in them in accordance with his or her talents and availability. ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 4 Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable ___________________________________ Teacher Date Collegiality and Professionalism (Short Form) PER0170.1 Page 2 Page 118 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Teacher Evaluation Model: Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism Name: Position: Work Site: DATE: School Year: Observer: Promoting a Positive Environment 55. Promoting Positive Interactions with Colleagues The teacher interacts with other teachers in a positive manner to promote and support student learning. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher works cooperatively with appropriate school personnel to address issues that impact student learning The teacher establishes working relationships that demonstrate integrity, confidentiality, respect, flexibility, fairness and trust The teacher accesses available expertise and resources to support students’ learning needs When asked, the teacher can describe situations in which he or she interacts positively with colleagues to promote and support student learning When asked, the teacher can describe situations in which he or she helped extinguish negative conversations about other teachers Scale Promoting Positive Interactions with Colleagues DOMAIN 4 Innovating Applying Developing Beginning The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity The teacher interacts with other colleagues in a positive manner to promote and support student learning and helps to extinguish negative conversations about other teachers The teacher interacts with other colleagues in a positive manner to promote and support student learning but does not help extinguish negative conversations about other teachers The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Collegiality and Professionalism PER0170.2 Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 1 Page 119 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 56. Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents The teacher interacts with students and parents in a positive manner to foster learning and Innovating (4) promote positive home/school relationships. Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher fosters collaborative partnerships with parents to enhance student success in a manner that demonstrates integrity, confidentiality, respect, flexibility, fairness and trust The teacher ensures consistent and timely communication with parents regarding student expectations, progress and/or concerns The teacher encourages parent involvement in classroom and school activities The teacher demonstrates awareness and sensitivity to social, cultural and language backgrounds of families The teacher uses multiple means and modalities to communicate with families The teacher responds to requests for support, assistance and/or clarification promptly The teacher respects and maintains confidentiality of student/family information When asked, the teacher can describe instances when he or she interacted positively with students and parents When asked, students and parents can describe how the teacher interacted positively with them When asked, the teacher can describe situations in which he or she helped extinguish negative conversations about students and parents Scale Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents DOMAIN 4 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher interacts with students and parents in a positive manner to foster learning and promote positive home/school relationships and helps extinguish negative conversations about students and parents Collegiality and Professionalism Developing Beginning Not Using The teacher The teacher The teacher attempts to interacts with makes no students and perform this attempt to parents in a activity but perform this positive does not activity manner to actually foster learning complete or follow through and promote with these positive attempts home/school relationships but does not help extinguish negative conversations about students and parents PER0170.2 Page 2 Page 120 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies 57. Seeking Mentorship for Areas of Need or Interest The teacher seeks help and input from colleagues regarding specific classroom Innovating (4) strategies and behaviors. Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher keeps track of specific situations during which he or she has sought mentorship from others The teacher actively seeks help and input in Professional Learning Community meetings The teacher actively seeks help and input from appropriate school personnel to address issues that impact instruction When asked, the teacher can describe how he or she seeks input from colleagues regarding issues that impact instruction Scale Seeking Mentorship for Areas of Need or Interest DOMAIN 4 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher seeks help and mentorship from colleagues regarding specific classroom strategies and behaviors Collegiality and Professionalism Developing The teacher seeks help and mentorship from colleagues but not at a specific enough level to enhance his or her pedagogical skill Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts PER0170.2 Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 3 Page 121 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 58. Mentoring Other Teachers and Sharing Ideas and Strategies The teacher provides other teachers with help and input regarding specific classroom strategies and behaviors. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher keeps tracks of specific situations during which he or she mentored other teachers The teacher contributes and shares expertise and new ideas with colleagues to enhance student learning in formal and informal ways The teacher serves as an appropriate role model (mentor, coach, presenter, researcher) regarding specific classroom strategies and behaviors When asked, the teacher can describe specific situations in which he or she has mentored colleagues Scale Mentoring Other Teachers and Sharing Ideas and Strategies DOMAIN 4 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher provides other teachers with help and input regarding classroom strategies and behaviors Collegiality and Professionalism Developing The teacher provides other teachers with help and input regarding classroom strategies and behaviors but not at a specific enough level to enhance their pedagogical skill Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts PER0170.2 Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 4 Page 122 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Promoting District and School Development 59. Adhering to District and School Rules and Procedures The teacher is aware of the district’s and school’s rules and procedures and adheres to them. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher performs assigned duties The teacher follows policies, regulations and procedures The teacher maintains accurate records (student progress, completion of assignments, noninstructional records) The teacher fulfills responsibilities in a timely manner The teacher understands legal issues related to students and families The teacher demonstrates personal integrity The teacher keeps track of specific situations in which he or she adheres to rules and procedures Scale Adhering to District and School Rules and Procedures DOMAIN 4 Innovating The teacher is a recognized leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher is aware of district and school rules and procedures and adheres to them Collegiality and Professionalism Developing The teacher is aware of district and school rules and procedures but does not adhere to all of these rules and procedures Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts PER0170.2 Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity Page 5 Page 123 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 60. Participating in District and School Initiatives The teacher is aware of the district’s and school’s initiatives and participates in them in accordance with his or her talents and availability. Innovating (4) Applying (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Not Using (0) Not Applicable Scale Teacher Evidence The teacher participates in school activities and events as appropriate to support students and families The teacher serves on school and district committees The teacher participates in staff development opportunities The teacher works to achieve school and district improvement goals The teacher keeps tracks of specific situations in which he or she has participated in school or district initiatives When asked, the teacher can describe or show evidence of his/her participation in district and school initiatives Scale Innovating Participating The teacher in District is a and School recognized Initiatives leader in helping others with this activity Applying The teacher is aware of the district’s and school’s initiatives and participates in them in accordance with his or her talents and availability ___________________________________ Observer Date DOMAIN 4 Collegiality and Professionalism Developing The teacher is aware of the district’s and school’s initiatives but does not participate in them in accordance with his or her talents and availability Beginning The teacher attempts to perform this activity but does not actually complete or follow through with these attempts Not Using The teacher makes no attempt to perform this activity ___________________________________ Teacher Date PER0170.2 Page 6 Page 124 Table 2 ‐ Procedures used for Category 1.1 Teachers REQUIREMENTS FOR OBSERVATIONS/EVALUATION Formal Observation (2) Conducted by the principal/assistant principal using state approved forms Informal Observation (4) Conducted by the principal/assistant principal using state approved forms Must have informal prior to first formal observation Announced or Unannounced Pre Observation Conference (Domain 2) Evaluation (2) Includes both classroom observations and reviews of student work and performance A minimum of 1 class period or 45 minutes in length (Domain 1) Post Observation Conference (Domain 3) Written Feedback required within 10 Days Results used for annual evaluation. Observation Instruments include: Pre‐Observation Conference Short Snapshot Post Observation Conference Long Form as Reference Tool Formal Classroom Observation Data Collection Other At least 10 minutes in length Written feedback required for a rating less than Applying Conducted by the principal/assistant principal using state approved forms Includes review of student performance including student work, student assessment results, pre and post tests, Performance Matters data, student progress monitoring systems, grades, artifacts, etc. Feedback is provided within 3 days Results used for annual evaluation Observation Instruments include: Pre‐Observation Conference Short Snapshot Post Observation Conference Long Form as Reference Tool Formal Classroom Observation Data Collection Other Notes An experienced teacher who is new to the district and receives a rating of effective or highly effective on each of the 2 required formal evaluations as a category 1.1 teacher will move to the category that is equivalent to their years of experience the following year. Late Hire Requirements (Minimum) Days Worked Observations Evaluations 99 ‐ 196 2 Formal 4 Informal 2 44 – 98 1 Formal 2 Informal 1 **As stated on Page 8, new teachers working 99 or more days in their initial contract year will be classified as a 1.1 teacher and Table 3 will apply. New teachers working 98 days or less days in their initial contract year will be categorized as 1.1 teacher for the remainder of the first contract year and continue as a 1.1 category teacher throughout the next contact year. Classroom teachers who work less than 43 days in the school year will receive a narrative review and rating using a 1 – 4 rating scale. Page 125 Table 3 ‐ Procedures Used for Category 1.2, 1.3, and 2.0 Teachers REQUIREMENTS FOR OBSERVATIONS/EVALUATION Formal Observation (2) Conducted by the principal/assistant principal using state approved forms Must have informal prior to first formal observation Pre Observation Conference (Domain 2) A minimum of 1 class period or 45 minutes in length (Domain 1) Post Observation Conference (Domain 3) Written Feedback required within 10 Days Results used for annual evaluation. Observation Instruments include: Pre‐Observation Conference Short Snapshot Post Observation Conference Long Form as Reference Tool Formal Classroom Observation Data Collection Other Informal Observation (4) Conducted by the principal/assistant principal using state approved forms Announced or Unannounced At least 10 minutes in length Written feedback required for a rating less than Applying Feedback is provided within 3 days Results used for annual evaluation Observation Instruments include: Short Snapshot Long Form as Reference Tool Classroom Observation Data Collection Other Evaluation (2) Includes both classroom observations and reviews of student work and performance Conducted by the principal/assistant principal using state approved forms Includes review of student performance including student work, student assessment results, pre and post tests, Performance Matters data, student progress monitoring systems, grades, artifacts, etc. Notes Page 126 Table ϰ‐ ForŵĂůKďƐĞƌǀĂƚŝŽŶZŽůĞƐĂŶĚZĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ Formal Observation Pre‐Conference Observation Observer Teacher To support and guide the teacher in planning and preparation for the observation. To gather evidence for Domain 2. The evaluator schedules the pre‐observation conference with the teacher 2‐3 days ahead of the observation. The evaluator reviews the pre‐observation conference form to guide the conversation. The evaluator and the teacher discuss the lesson to be observed. The evaluator gathers evidence of teaching strategies as indicated in The Art and Science of Teaching, Teacher Evaluation Model, Domain 1 using the observation form. Results are used for annual evaluation. The evaluator sends evidence of the observation to the teacher prior to the post‐observation conference. To provide evidence regarding his or her skills in planning and aligning their lessons to district standards and curricula. The teacher prepares and shares the pre‐observation conference guide with the evaluator at least one day in advance of the conference. To demonstrate effective teaching as outlined in The Art and Science of Teaching, Teacher Evaluation Model, Domain 1. The teacher reviews the evidence of observation and prepares for the post‐ observation conference completing the post observation conference guide. Post‐Conference The evaluator schedules the post‐ observation conference to occur within 10 days of the observation. The evaluator provides a climate and experience that enables the teacher and to reflect upon the lesson and to determine next steps. Together the teacher and evaluator complete the rating scale for the observation to gather evidence for Domain 3. To reflect upon the impact that the lesson had on student learning. Together the teacher and evaluator complete the rating scale for the observation to gather evidence for Domain 3 and determine next steps. Written Feedback Provide objective, actionable and timely feedback within 10 days To reflect upon, engage in dialogue with observers and to take appropriate action Page 127 Table 5 ‐ Sources of Evidence for Each Domain Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Formal Observation(s) Informal Observations Student Interviews/Surveys Videos of classroom practice Artifacts (e.g. student work, letters from parents) Doman 3: Reflecting on Teaching Self‐assessment Post‐observation conference Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) Conferences Student Work Samples Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Pre‐observation conference Lesson Planning Documents Evidence of differentiation Artifacts (e.g. student work samples, assessments, scales, rubrics) Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism Professional Learning Community Agendas Participation in School Activities Log Lesson Study Agendas Action Research Report Documentation of Parent Involvement/Communication Recommended Observation Schedule Month Category 1.1 Teachers August September October Orientation and Schedule Categories 1.2, 1.3, and 2.0 Teachers Orientation and Schedule Informal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Informal Observation Formal Observation Formal Observation Evaluation Evaluation November December January Informal Observation Evaluation Evaluation February Informal Observation March Informal Observation Formal Observation Formal Observation Evaluation Informal Observation Evaluation April May Page 128 Calculation of Instructional Practice (IP) Score: Once Instructional Practice Data has been collected using the timeline and procedures specified in Tables 2 – 5 and input into BloomBoard System the IP rating score for the evaluation period is calculated within Bloomboard. The proficiency scale for each Category of Teacher for the 4 domains is applied as described in Table 6. Table 6 – Calculation of Instructional Practice Score 2. Needs 3. 4. Improvement/ 1. Unsatisfactory Effective Highly Effective Teacher Category Emerging Category 1.1, 1.2 50% or more Less than 60% of At least 60% of At least 60% of and 1.3 ratings are at Level ratings are at Level ratings are at Level ratings are at Level 4 and 0% of 1 or 0 in all 3 or higher and 3 or higher in all Domains less than 50% of Domains ratings are at Level ratings are at Level 1 or 0 in all 1 or 0 in all Domains Domains Category 2.0 50% or more of Less than 70% of At least 70% of At least 70% of ratings are at ratings are at Level ratings are at Level ratings are at Level Level 1 or 0 for all 3 or higher and 4 and 0% of 3 or higher in all Domains less than 50% of Domains ratings are at Level 1 or 0 in all ratings are at Level 1 or 0 in all Domains Domains 3. Other Indicators of Performance The District uses Deliberate Practice as an additional performance indicator. Deliberate Practice applies to all classroom teachers and is optional for non‐classroom teachers. Deliberate Practice is determined jointly by the supervisor and teacher. Up to 2 target elements will be identified for improvement and professional development based upon the previous year’s evaluation score and/or the teacher’s self‐ assessment.The Deliberate Practice score is an additive measure to the Instructional Practice score and is input in the BloomBoard System. The Deliberative Practice score is based on the teacher’s improvement over time on specific elements with the framework. The forms used in Deliberate Practice Process are included on pages 130 - 144. A Deliberate Practice score of 0.0 – 1.0 will be determined for the teacher as specified in the Table on Page 145. Page 129 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 130 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 131 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 132 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 133 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 134 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 135 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 136 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 137 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 138 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 139 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 140 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 141 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 142 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 143 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Page 144 Table 7 – Calculation of Deliberate Practice Score Unsatisfactory (0.00) Emerging (.33) Achieves no growth Or scores at Level 1 Effective (.67) Highly Effective (1.0) Grows 1 level Grows 2 levels Grows 3 levels Or grows to Level 2 Or grows to Level 3 Or grows to Level 4 As stated in Section 4 below, the Instructional Practice (IP) Score calculated as described in Section 2 and the Deliberate Practice (DP) score calculated as described in Section 3 will be added together using the Bloomboard System to arrive at the final Instructional Practice Rating. The final IP rating is provided to the teacher once the calculation is completed in the Bloomboard system. A digital signature verifying receipt is required of the teacher. 4. Summative Evaluation Rating The final Summative Evaluation score for instructional personnel is calculated in the Bloomboard System by adding 50% of the Final Student Performance Rating to 50% of the Final Instructional Practice Rating using the following steps; 1. The Final Student Performance Rating is determined as described in Section 1 worth 50% of the final rating. 2. The Instructional Practice (IP) score is determined as described in Section 2. 3. The Deliberate Practice (DP) score is determined as described in Section 3. 4. If a DP score is not available then the IP score (Step 2) is worth 50% of the final rating. 5. If a DP score is available it is an additive measure to the IP score. The sum of the IP and DP scores cannot exceed 4.0. The sum of the IP and DP score (if available) is worth 50% of the final rating. 6. The Final Student Performance Rating (50%) is added to the Final IP rating (50%) resulting in the Final Overall Evaluation Score. The result of Step 6 will be carried out to 2 decimal places and the following scale will be used to determine the performance level as specified in sec. 1012.34(2) (e), Florida Statutes. The final score is then provided to the teacher. Unsatisfactory (1) Student Performance Factor Range Needs Improvement/ Developing (2) Effective (3) Highly Effective (4) 1.0 ‐ 1.49 1.50 – 2.49 2.50 – 3.49 3.50 – 4.0 5. Additional Requirements Roster Verification: In accordance with sec. 1012.34 (1) (a) Fla .Stat, instructional personnel are provided the opportunity to review their class rosters for accuracy and to correct any mistakes. Reviewed rosters are submitted to the Department of Education. Student roster verification will occur using the procedures and Roster Verification Tool (RVT) provided by the Department of Education. Page 145 Evaluation by Supervisor: School administrators are responsible for conducting evaluations of instructional personnel assigned to the school. The school principal will determine which teachers well be evaluated by the principal, and each assistant principal at the school. The school principal is required to sign all evaluations of teachers assigned to his or her school. Non‐classroom teachers assigned to the District Office are evaluated by the administrator who leads the department in which they work. Input may be provided by district office administrators from human resources, curriculum and accountability and assessment. Only those administrators trained in the evaluation process as outlined in the paragraph below may provide input. Training regarding the Instructional Evaluation System: Instructional personnel will be informed of the criteria and procedures by which they will be evaluated to include the following: Individual school sites will hold training sessions regarding evaluation procedures during pre‐ school week. Instructional personnel will be provided an overview of all forms and procedures as outlined within the collective bargaining agreement. Instructional personnel hired after the initial training in August will receive information during New Employee Orientation. All webinars conducted regarding the new evaluation system will be posted on the district website for review by instructional personnel. The Instructional Evaluation System and all forms are posted on the District Website. Ongoing professional development on the Marzano Framework will be provided at both the school and district level as needed. Training for Observers/Evaluators: All site based or district administrators who supervise instructional personnel will participate in training regarding observer/evaluator skills and responsibilities. The following training events will occur each school year: Title Instructional Personnel Evaluation System Overview Frequency Annual Audience All evaluators Scoring Calibration Quarterly School‐based evaluators Implementation Support and Knowledge Refinement Quarterly School‐based evaluators Provision of Timely Feedback: Upon completion of an informal observation the supervisor will input the observation data in the District’s BloomBoard System for the purpose of feedback within 3 days after an observation. This timely feedback will allow the instructor to identify professional development in areas that need improvement or development. Upon completion of a formal observation the instructor will complete the post observation conference form and meet for a reflective conversation with the supervisor. Areas in need of development or improvement identified by the supervisor and/or the instructor will be discussed as well as professional Page 146 development related to the identified needs. Objective, actionable written feedback will be provided to the instructor within 10 days. Upon completion of the final evaluation the instructor and evaluator will identify areas in need of development or improvement for incorporation into the next cycle of individual professional development planning. Professional Development: Results from the evaluation system will be used to inform professional development priorities as described in the District Professional Development System Plan. Rating data from observations and evaluations collected in the technology‐based evaluation system will be used to assist in determining trends and specific areas of need related to the instructional framework. This data will also be used to inform planning for the next year’s professional development for instructional employees on teacher PD days and Early Release Days as appropriate. Individualized Professional Development: Upon completion of both informal and formal observations the teacher and evaluator will identify areas in need of development or improvement, and the District’s BloomBoard System is used to provide individualized professional development in these areas. Instructional employees who have been evaluated as less than effective will be required to participate in specific professional development program including individualized Professional Development as required by Sec. 1012.98 (10). The process and forms used for performance improvement are provided on pages 150 ‐ 154. Annual Requirements: As documented in Tables 2 and 3, all instructional personnel who are classroom teachers are observed and evaluated at a minimum of once per year with the exception of newly hired teachers who are formally evaluated twice per year during their first year of teaching. All instructional personnel who are non‐classroom teachers will be evaluated at a minimum of once per year. Parent Input: Parents are invited to provide input on the performance of teachers. School administrators are expected to consider the comments and input offered by parents through surveys and information received via the Parent Input form. This form will be made available in the school office and on the district webpage. Each year the Superintendent notifies parents via the district website they are invited to provide feedback on instructional staff as appropriate. Teaching Fields with Special Evaluation Procedures: The district identified teaching positions requiring special procedures initially with a review of job titles within the Human Resource Division and with verification of the school principal or district supervisor. These positions are designated as Non‐ Classroom Teaching (NCT) positions and are listed in the chart below. The special evaluation procedures used for NCT positions are described on pages 155‐162. Non‐Classroom Teaching Positions: SCHOOL‐ BASED DISTRICT ‐ BASED Athletic Director Behavioral Analyst Dean/Conduct Counselor Behavioral Specialist ESE School‐Based Specialist Child Find Specialist/Educational Consultant Page 147 Guidance Counselors Diagnostician Literacy Coach Language Development Specialist Mathematics Coach Program Specialist Media Specialist Less than 50% teaching) Instructional Support Specialist Speech/Language Pathologist School Psychologist Student Support Facilitator (S Qualifier for courses taught) School Social Worker Teacher on Special Assignment Teacher Support Specialist School Assessment Specialist Peer Assistance Process: The District does not currently have a process for peer assistance. 6. District Evaluation Procedures Compliance with section 1012.34(3)(c), Florida Statute and Florida School Board Rules: In accordance with sec. 1012.34(3)(c), Fla .Stat. each evaluator reports to the district evaluation and observation data for each teacher at the school using the District’s BloomBoard System. Once the state assessment and value added measure (VAM) scores are received from the Department of Education, the District calculates the final summative evaluation score for all instructional personnel. As designated by the district school superintendent, the final summative evaluation score is reviewed by the Human Resources Division annually to inform review of instructional personnel employment contracts prior to recommendation for contract renewal to the School Board. In accordance with Florida School Board Rule 6A‐5.030 (G.), a final Instructional Practice Evaluation written report is provided to each teacher by the evaluator no later than ten (10) days after the final evaluation is calculated. The evaluator must discuss the written evaluation report with the employee. The employee has the right to initiate a written response to the evaluation and the response shall become a permanent attachment to his/her personnel file. Unsatisfactory Performance: Any teacher that receives an overall final summative evaluation rating less than 1.49 is evaluated as unsatisfactory and will be required to participate in the District’s Performance Improvement Plan requirements as provided on Pages 149 ‐ 153. Annual Notification: In accordance with sec. 1012.34 (5), Fla. Stat., The district school superintendent or designee shall annually notify the Department of Education of any instructional personnel who have received two consecutive unsatisfactory evaluations and shall notify the Department of any instructional personnel who are given written notice by the District of intent to terminate or not renew their employment. 7. District Self-Monitoring An annual review of the teacher evaluation system will be completed by the District Evaluation Review Team to determine compliance with Florida Statute. This review includes analysis of data such as overall district trends, Page 148 fidelity of implementation and feedback from users. The following methods will be used to collect data: The District will conduct surveys to assess teacher/evaluator perceptions of adequacy of training, understanding of the system, fairness of the process, and impact of the new process on teaching and student learning The District will survey selected teachers and evaluators to gather feedback on system implementation including the forms, rubric language, processes and support materials. The survey will also include input regarding timeliness of feedback to teachers, and identify necessary adjustments to ensure that the processes and procedures are being implemented as required. District and school administrators will periodically review of BloomBoard data throughout the year to ensure compliance with procedures and timelines specified in the evaluation system. District staff will review patterns of performance on various components of the framework to ensure that a variety of information and training is available to address needs across the district as well as individual teachers’ needs when they rated as less than satisfactory. Through the District’s system of tiered support, principals also have a process by which they can request professional development specifically geared to an individual teacher’s need or a school based need that has been identified through analysis of the previous year’s instructional practice data. • The evaluation data will be used to inform school and district improvement plans. Staff from the Instructional Technology, Office of Teaching and Learning, and Human Resources Divisions will be responsible for implementation of these methods and strategies. Any recommended revisions as a result of the analysis strategies above will be made to the Instructional Evaluation System and presented to the School Board for approval. Once approved by the School Board the revised System will be sent to the Florida Department of Education. Page 149 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN *REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF* FLORIDA STATUTE 1012.34 A Performance Improvement Plan as outlined in Florida Statue 1012.34 is required for unsatisfactory performance when demonstrated by a professional services contract employee. In addition, this plan is required to be initiated prior to the final rating of unsatisfactory on the staff member’s annual evaluation. Contact a Human Resources Administrator prior to providing the employee with written notice of performance. (4) NOTIFICATION OF UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE.—If an employee who holds a professional service contract as provided in s. 1012.33 is not performing his or her duties in a satisfactory manner, the evaluator shall notify the employee in writing of such determination. The notice must describe such unsatisfactory performance and include notice of the following procedural requirements: (a) Upon delivery of a notice of unsatisfactory performance, the evaluator must confer with the employee who holds a professional service contract, make recommendations with respect to specific areas of unsatisfactory performance, and provide assistance in helping to correct deficiencies within a prescribed period of time. (b)1. The employee who holds a professional service contract shall be placed on performance probation and governed by the provisions of this section for 90 calendar days following the receipt of the notice of unsatisfactory performance to demonstrate corrective action. School holidays and school vacation periods are not counted when calculating the 90-calendar-day period. During the 90 calendar days, the employee who holds a professional service contract must be evaluated periodically and apprised of progress achieved and must be provided assistance and inservice training opportunities to help correct the noted performance deficiencies. At any time during the 90 calendar days, the employee who holds a professional service contract may request a transfer to another appropriate position with a different supervising administrator; however, if a transfer is granted pursuant to ss. 1012.27(1) and 1012.28(6), it does not extend the period for correcting performance deficiencies. 2. Within 14 days after the close of the 90 calendar days, the evaluator must evaluate whether the performance deficiencies have been corrected and forward a recommendation to the district school superintendent. Within 14 days after receiving the evaluator’s recommendation, the district school superintendent must notify the employee who holds a professional service contract in writing whether the Page 150 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM performance deficiencies have been satisfactorily corrected and whether the district school superintendent will recommend that the district school board continue or terminate his or her employment contract. If the employee wishes to contest the district school superintendent’s recommendation, the employee must, within 15 days after receipt of the district school superintendent’s recommendation, submit a written request for a hearing. Page 151 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Performance Improvement Plan Complete this form when “Unsatisfactory” performance is detected. Name: Position: Location: School Year: Description of current performance (based on areas from evaluation instrument) Description of expected performance Actions and steps to be taken by the appraisee to improve performance Persons/Resources to be supplied to support performance improvement Timeline and Deadline for performance improvement activities Summary of the actions taken and outcomes. Notification Conference Initials Appraiser Appraisee Date Progress Conference Initials Appraiser Appraisee Date Outcomes Conference Initials Date Appraiser Appraisee Page 152 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM SUPPORT TEAM MEETING LOG Complete one form per support team for each meeting held. Support Team Meeting should take place on regular intervals bi-weekly or monthly for a period of no less than 9 weeks. Meeting Date______________________________________Time__________Place__________ Members Present________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Comments: (Review of progress/activities since last meeting) Observation/Comments from Team Regarding Areas Identified for Improvement: Administrative Support, Feedback, Resources and Development Needed: Next Meeting Date__________________________________Time__________Place__________ Submitted by_______________________________________Date________________________ Page 153 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN OUTCOMES SUMMARY To be completed by the Support Team and Staff Member at the end of the Performance Improvement Plan. Name_________________________________________________Date____________________ Team Members_________________________________________________________________ What were the results of the Performance Improvement Plan; Be Specific Regarding Each Area of Concern_____________________________________________________________________ Describe the activities that took place by the staff member______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Describe the current performance level of the staff member ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Next Steps for Staff Member Submitted by__________________________________________________Date_____________ Page 154 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Non-Classroom Teacher Procedures and Processes 1. Beginning Conference Prior to October 1 Meet with Supervisor: A. Guided by the indicators provided, identify goals for each Domain aligned to the NCT job responsibilities. B. Determine and agree on sources of evidence for each goal. C. Sign Beginning Conference on NCT Form. 2. Evidence Collection 3. Midyear Conference October – December A. NCT engages in his/her practice/job responsibilities. B. The NCT and the supervisor gather evidence regarding the NCT’s performance using work products, gathering feedback from stakeholders and observing the NCT at work. C. Monitoring and timely feedback will be provided using the district digital evaluation system. January A. Evidence gathered and also provided by the NCT is reviewed, discussed and feedback provided. B. For each Domain the supervisor determines the NCT’s performance level using the indicators and goals as a guide. C. Ratings of Emerging and Ineffective require written comments. 4. Evidence Collection January - April A. The NCT engages in his/her practice/job responsibilities. B. The NCT and the supervisor gather evidence regarding the NCT’s performance using work products, gathering feedback from stakeholders and observing the NCT at work. C. Monitoring and timely feedback will be provided using the district digital evaluation system. 5. Professional Practice Evaluation May A. Evidence gathered and also provided by the NCT is reviewed, discussed and feedback provided. B. For each Domain the supervisor determines the NCT’s performance level using the indicators and goals as a guide. C. Ratings of Emerging and Ineffective require written comments. D. A total score for Professional Practice will be generated for the NCT using the Evaluation Rubric. Page 155 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM INDICATORS Domain A: Data-Based Decision Making and Evaluation of Practices 1. Collects and uses data to develop and implement instruction/interventions within a problem-solving framework. 2. Analyzes multiple sources of qualitative and quantitative data to inform decision making. 3. Uses data to monitor student progress (academic, social/emotional/behavior) and evaluate the effectiveness of support on student achievement. 4. Shares student performance data in a relevant and understandable way with teachers, students, parents, and administrators. In your current role, how will you demonstrate effective data-based decision making and evaluation of practices? (MINIMUM OF TWO GOALS) Sources of Evidence: Artifacts Observation Stakeholder Feedback Self-Assessment Professional Growth Plan Conference/Interview Other: Types of Evidence: Documentation of problem identification and problem analysis with graphed data and gap analysis Problem-Solving/Intervention Plan Academic Intervention Record Behavior Intervention Plan Progress-Monitoring Plan Reports with data analysis and interpretation Data/platforms/electronic documentation systems (Data Warehouse, Performance Matter, EASY CBM, etc.) Data Chat Observation or Record Meeting Agendas/Summaries Highly Effective = 4 Effective = 3 Emerging = 2 Ineffective = 1 Utilizes, facilitates, Consistently utilizes a Practice is emerging, Does not utilize a datatrains, and mentors data-based decision but requires based making decision others to consistently making process to supervision, support process OR use a data-based inform decision and and/or training to be ineffectively decision making plan for future effective demonstrates the process to inform action(s). independently. practice/skill required. decisions and plan for future action(s). HE E EM IE Midyear 4 2 1 3 Comments: Final HE 4 EM 2 E IE 1 3 Comments: Page 156 INDICATORS THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Domain B: Instruction/Intervention Planning and Design 1. Uses a collaborative problem-solving framework as the basis for identification and planning for academic, behavioral, emotional and instructional/interventions and supports. 2. Plans and designs instruction/intervention based on data and aligns efforts with the school and district improvement plans and state federal mandates. 3. Applies evidence-based research and best practices to improve instruction/interventions. 4. Develops instruction/intervention support plans that help the teacher, student, and/or family reach a desired goal. In your current role, how will you demonstrate effective instruction/intervention planning and design? (MINIMUM OF TWO GOALS) Sources of Evidence: Artifacts Observation Stakeholder Feedback Self-Assessment Professional Growth Plan Conference/Interview Other: Types of Evidence: Documentation of instruction/intervention design and development Targets Goals Delivery Methods, etc. Professional Development Design or Facilitation (handouts, agendas, PowerPoint) School or District Improvement Plans – documentation of participation Electronic documentation Highly Effective Effective Emerging Ineffective Facilitates, trains, and Consistently works Practice is Does not work mentors others to collaboratively to design emerging, but collaboratively to plan consistently plan and plan requires instruction/intervention instruction/interventions instruction/interventions supervision, and/or plans are that are aligned with based on data that aligns support and/or ineffectively developed school improvement with school/district training to be OR ineffectively priorities and other improvement plans and effective demonstrates the mandates. state and federal independently. practice/skill required. mandates. HE E EM IE Midyear 4 3 2 1 Comments: Final Comments: HE 4 E 3 EM IE 2 1 Page 157 INDICATORS THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Domain C: Instruction/Intervention Delivery and Facilitation 1. Collaborates with school-based and district-level stakeholders to deliver and facilitate instruction/interventions to support the success of all students. 2. Consults and collaborates at the individual, team, school, and systems levels to implement, monitor, and evaluate effective instruction/intervention support. 3. Implements evidence-based practices for differing needs and diversity of students, teachers, schools, and systems. In your current role, how will you demonstrate effective instruction/intervention delivery and facilitation? (MINIMUM OF TWO GOALS) Sources of Evidence: Artifacts Observation Stakeholder Feedback Self-Assessment Professional Growth Plan Conference/Interview Other: Types of Evidence: Documentation of instruction/intervention delivery and facilitation Monitoring of instruction/intervention delivery and facilitation Evaluating instruction/intervention delivery and facilitation Pre and Post Surveys Conference notes/logs Newsletters, emails, webpage, and other communication methods Professional Development Design or Facilitation (handouts, agendas, PowerPoint) Progress Monitoring Data Learning Community, Lesson Study Facilitation Electronic documentation Highly Effective Effective Emerging Ineffective Demonstrates leadership Consistently delivers, Practice is Does not deliver, at the school and system facilitates emerging, but facilitate, monitor, level to plan, implement, instruction/interventions requires evaluate effective and evaluate and monitors and supervision, instruction/interventions instruction/interventions. evaluates its support and/or OR ineffectively effectiveness. training to be demonstrates the effective practice/skill required. independently. HE E EM IE Midyear 4 3 1 2 Comments: Final HE 4 E 3 EM 2 IE 1 Comments: Page 158 INDICATORS THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Domain D: Learning Environment 1. Collaborates with teachers and administrators to develop and implement school and district initiatives. 2. Collaborates with teachers and administrators to foster teacher/student engagement. 3. Promotes safe school environments. In your current role, how will you demonstrate effective support for the creation of learning environments that support school/district initiatives and engagement of all? (MINIMUM OF TWO GOALS) Sources of Evidence: Artifacts Observation Stakeholder Feedback Self-Assessment Professional Growth Plan Conference/Interview Other: Types of Evidence: Pre and Post Surveys Newsletters, emails, webpage, and other communication methods Professional Development (handouts, agendas, PowerPoint) School/District program development and implementation Electronic documentation Highly Effective Effective Emerging Demonstrates Consistently Practice is emerging, leadership at the collaborates with but requires school and system level school and district supervision, support to sustain and promote personnel to promote and/or training to be effective system-wide teacher/student effective initiatives that result in engagement and independently. an increase of school/district student/teacher initiatives. engagement. HE E EM IE Midyear 4 2 1 3 Comments: Final HE 4 EM 2 E Ineffective Does not collaborate with school and district personnel to promote and implement school/district initiatives OR ineffectively demonstrates the practice/skill required. IE 1 3 Comments: Page 159 INDICATORS THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Domain E: Professional Learning, Responsibility, and Ethical Practice 1. Develops a personal, professional growth plan that enhances professional knowledge, skills and practice and addresses areas of need on the evaluation. 2. Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices (e.g., learning communities, lesson study). 3. Implements knowledge and skills learned in professional development activities. 4. Demonstrates effective recordkeeping and communication skills. 5. Complies with national and state laws, district policies and guidelines, and ethical educational and professional standards. In your current role, how will you demonstrate effective continued professional learning, responsibility and ethical practice? (MINIMUM OF TWO GOALS) Sources of Evidence: Artifacts Observation Stakeholder Feedback Self-Assessment Professional Growth Plan Conference/Interview Other: Types of Evidence: Professional Growth Plan Documentation of professional learning (professional conferences, workshops, etc.) Professional learning follow-up activities or implementation. Learning Community participation or facilitation Member in professional organization Documentation of supervision/mentoring activities Demonstration of time management (e.g., logs, calendars) Highly Effective Effective Emerging Ineffective Facilitates professional Consistently Practice is emerging, Does not develop a learning, self-monitors participates in but requires personal professional areas for skill and professional learning supervision, support growth plan, professional growth, opportunities aligned and/or training to be participate in and evaluates impact to professional growth effective professional learning of applied knowledge plan and integrates and independently. opportunities or use on performance applies acquired constructive feedback outcomes. knowledge into Or ineffectively professional practice maintains reliable while maintaining a system of reliable recordkeeping recordkeeping OR system. shows ineffective effort in this practice/skill. HE E EM IE Midyear 4 3 2 1 Comments: Final Comments: HE 4 E 3 EM 2 IE 1 Page 153 Page 160 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Beginning Conference ___________________________________ Evaluator Date ___________________________________ Teacher Date Midyear Conference ___________________________________ Evaluator Date ___________________________________ Teacher Date Comments: Page 161 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM Professional Practice Evaluation _____________________________________ ___________________________________ Evaluator Date Teacher Date Professional Practice Evaluation Rubric Total Score Domain A Score Domain B Score Domain C Score Domain D Score Domain E Score TOTAL Total Overall Professional Practice Evaluation Score ÷ 5 = Overall Professional Practice Evaluation Rating Highly Effective Effective Emerging Ineffective 3.5 – 4.0 2.5 – 3.4 1.5 – 2.4 1.0 – 1.4 Comments: Page 162 Appendix A – Checklist for Approval Performance of Students The district has provided and meets the following criteria: For all instructional personnel: 7 The percentage of the evaluation that is based on the performance of students criterion. 7 An explanation of the scoring method, including how it is calculated and combined. 7 At least one-third of the evaluation is based on performance of students. For classroom teachers newly hired by the district: 7 The student performance measure(s). 7 Scoring method for each evaluation, including how it is calculated and combined. For all instructional personnel, confirmed the inclusion of student performance: 7 Data for at least three years, including the current year and the two years immediately preceding the current year, when available. 7 If less than the three most recent years of data are available, those years for which data are available must be used. 7 If more than three years of student performance data are used, specified the years that will be used. For classroom teachers of students for courses assessed by statewide, standardized assessments: 7 Documented that VAM results comprise at least one-third of the evaluation. 7 For teachers assigned a combination of courses that are associated with the statewide, standardized assessments and that are not, the portion of the evaluation that is comprised of the VAM results is identified, and the VAM results are given proportional weight according to a methodology selected by the district. For all instructional personnel of students for courses not assessed by statewide, standardized assessments: 7 For classroom teachers, the district-determined student performance measure(s) used for personnel evaluations. 7 For instructional personnel who are not classroom teachers, the districtdetermined student performance measure(s) used for personnel evaluations. Instructional Practice The district has provided and meets the following criteria: For all instructional personnel: Page163 7 The percentage of the evaluation system that is based on the instructional practice criterion. 7 At least one-third of the evaluation is based on instructional practice. 7 An explanation of the scoring method, including how it is calculated and combined. 7 The district evaluation framework for instructional personnel is based on contemporary research in effective educational practices. For all instructional personnel: 7 A crosswalk from the district's evaluation framework to the Educator Accomplished Practices demonstrating that the district’s evaluation system contains indicators based upon each of the Educator Accomplished Practices. For classroom teachers: 7 The observation instrument(s) that include indicators based on each of the Educator Accomplished Practices. For non-classroom instructional personnel: 7 The evaluation instrument(s) that include indicators based on each of the Educator Accomplished Practices. For all instructional personnel: 7 Procedures for conducting observations and collecting data and other evidence of instructional practice. Other Indicators of Performance The district has provided and meets the following criteria: 7 Described the additional performance indicators, if any. 7 The percentage of the final evaluation that is based upon the additional indicators. 7 The scoring method, including how it is calculated and combined. Summative Evaluation Score The district has provided and meets the following criteria: 7 Summative evaluation form(s). 7 Scoring method, including how it is calculated and combined. 7 The performance standards used to determine the summative evaluation rating (the four performance levels: highly effective, effective, needs improvement/developing, unsatisfactory). Additional Requirements The district has provided and meets the following criteria: Page164 7 Confirmation that the district provides instructional personnel the opportunity to review their class rosters for accuracy and to correct any mistakes. 7 Documented that the evaluator is the individual who is responsible for supervising the employee. 7 Identified additional positions or persons who provide input toward the evaluation, if any. Description of training programs: 7 Processes to ensure that all employees subject to an evaluation system are informed on evaluation criteria, data sources, methodologies, and procedures associated with the evaluation before the evaluation takes place. 7 Processes to ensure that all individuals with evaluation responsibilities and those who provide input toward evaluation understand the proper use of the evaluation criteria and procedures. Documented: 7 Processes for providing timely feedback to the individual being evaluated. 7 Description of how results from the evaluation system will be used for professional development. 7 Requirement for participation in specific professional development programs by those who have been evaluated as less than effective. 7 All instructional personnel must be evaluated at least once a year. 7 All classroom teachers must be observed and evaluated at least once a year. 7 Newly hired classroom teachers are observed and evaluated at least twice in the first year of teaching in the district. For instructional personnel: 7 Inclusion of opportunities for parents to provide input into performance evaluations when the district determines such input is appropriate. 7 Description of the district’s criteria for inclusion of parental input. 7 Description of manner of inclusion of parental input. 7 Identification of the teaching fields, if any, for which special evaluation procedures and criteria are necessary. 7 Description of the district’s peer assistance process, if any. District Evaluation Procedures The district has provided and meets the following criteria: 7 That its evaluation procedures comply with s. 1012.34(3)(c), F.S., including: ¾ That the evaluator must submit a written report of the evaluation to the district school superintendent for the purpose of reviewing the employee’s contract. ¾ That the evaluator must submit the written report to the employee no later than 10 days after the evaluation takes place. ¾ That the evaluator must discuss the written evaluation report with the employee. Page165 ¾ That the employee shall have the right to initiate a written response to the evaluation and the response shall become a permanent attachment to his or her personnel file. 7 That the District’s procedures for notification of unsatisfactory performance meet the requirement of s. 1012.34(4), F.S. 7 That district evaluation procedures require the district school superintendent to annually notify the Department of any instructional personnel who receives two consecutive unsatisfactory evaluations and to notify the Department of any instructional personnel who are given written notice by the district of intent to terminate or not renew their employment, as outlined in s. 1012.34, F.S. District Self-Monitoring The district self-monitoring includes processes to determine the following: 7 Evaluators’ understanding of the proper use of evaluation criteria and procedures, including evaluator accuracy and inter-rater reliability. 7 Evaluators provide necessary and timely feedback to employees being evaluated. 7 Evaluators follow district policies and procedures in the implementation of evaluation system(s). 7 The use of evaluation data to identify individual professional development. 7 The use of evaluation data to inform school and district improvement plans. Page166